Board Meeting Minutes

Chinquapin Homeowners Association

Saturday, March 20, 2021, 9:30 AM

Carriage House, Chinquapin

3600 North Lake Blvd - Tahoe City, CA 96145

Directors Present
Steve Giacomi, President
Terry Sarvas, Vice President
Chuck Lanham, Secretary
Carl Bertelsen
Anthony Miles
Haley Packard

Directors Present (by phone)
Annie Mitchell, Treasurer

Staff Present
Mitch Packard, General Manager
Aidan Miles, WMC

Homeowners Present

Homeowners Present (by phone)
Robin Kelly, #162
Lawrence Duncan #185
Michael Robertson #11
George Pelton #103
Chris Cain #135
Dave Nemeth #178

9:30  -  Call to Order and Welcoming Remarks
Approval of the meeting minutes of the 01/23/2021 Board Meeting.

Motion to approve the meeting minutes passed unanimously

Open Session  -  Homeowners
Laurence Duncan, #185, walking hazard in the carport, Mitch and Aidan will review for a solution.  #83, decking that was replaced last year has been splintering, WMC attempted to remediate by sanding, homeowner feels it still needs additional work,   Manager and WMC will address.

Robin Kelly, #162 has a list of dog friendly trails where dogs can be off leash to assist homeowners with options to allow more exercising of their pets.  The list will be incorporated in the Chinquapin Newsletter.

Chris Cain, #135, question about the long term plan for the Dollar Estate buildings.  HOA is actively maintaining the exterior of these buildings at a low expense level.  These were reviewed by the board approximately five years ago and no decision was made on converting them for specific uses.  Given their historical nature they are being maintained for possible future uses.

President’s Report  -  Steve Giacomi
Thanked the Manager and WMC for their effort through the Covid pandemic, maintaining the property and facilitating homeowner use through sometimes challenging circumstances.

Committee and Staff Reports

Architectural Review Committee  -  Haley Packard
Unit #134, Replace existing slider and install two additional skylights, these were approved by ARC at its meeting on 03/19/2021 pending a review that the skylights fall within the percent of coverage requirement.

Unit #181, skylight replacement, approved by ARC at its 03/19/2021 meeting.

Unit #1, deck expansion to match unit #4, the deck front will be wire mess, approved by ARC at its 03/19/2022 meeting.

Unit #67, internal stairway will replace the ladder to the loft, approved by ARC at its 03/19/2021 meeting. 

Motion to approve the ARC recommendations was approved unanimously

Homeowners Relations  -  Haley Packard
Chinquapin newsletter will go out this spring, will need input from board members and committees on current projects and will include the suggested off leash dog trails.

Memorial Day party is being planned and will incorporate appropriate social distancing.

Fourth of July, researching party supply vendors and caterers and their respective commitment dates so the board can make go/no go decisions as the Covid protocols evolve into the summer.  Items such as the parade, pool games, dance floor, etc can either be included or dropped as the situation evolves, seating will probably be by family.

Building Committee  -  Carl Bertelsen
Building Committee completed a property inspection 03/19/21.  Routine painting and staining is on schedule for the spring.  Have had excellent results on several major deck repairs that have been completed by Prosser Building & Development Inc.

Cottage #1 continues to have bear activity.  There is a backside addition to the original building that has extensive dry rot and is not repairable.

A motion was made and passed unanimously to remove the add on addition and to repair and maintain the original building.

Items from the walk through that need to be addressed include unit #174, a structural beam needs repair and unit #28, the front deck needs repair and replacement.

Two bids for the beach bathroom remodel were received.  The lower bid of $17,000 from Prosser Building & Development Inc was accepted.  The high bid for $27,000 was declined.  This work should be completed by Memorial Day

Pool, Racquet Sports and Bocce Committee  -  Chuck Lanham
Tennis Office remodel is progressing.  This next week the flooring will be installed and the painting/staining refresh will be completed after the flooring is in.  The fixed counter and storage shelving will be replaced with a movable desk and modular storage.  Tennis courts #1 to #3 resurfacing project has been scheduled for the 2nd week of June and will take approximately ten days to complete.  WMC/Manager will check on the cost to replace the existing fencing with new.  Will also look at options to skim the drainage gutters alongside courts #1 -#3.  WMC/Manger will get bids for the fencing around the childrens play area and the west side of the pool.

Grounds Committee  -  Terry Sarvas
The General Manager has been working with Tim Ferrell, Civil Engineer on the upgrade to the sewer pit located between units #170 and #171.  Drawings have been completed and TRPA has issued a qualified exempt permit for the project which will replace the existing pumps with a self-contained modular unit.  A previous bid from Xylem for the modular unit has been updated for an amount of $77,800 with an expected delivery of 10-12 weeks.  The General Manager is working with the Engineer to secure a qualified contractor.  Will also look at the feasibility of installing a dedicated generator for this pit.

A motion to proceed with the sewer module order from Xylem was made and passed unanimously.

Annual maintenance on the sewer gravity line has been scheduled for the fall with flushing of one of the four sections per year.

BMP work associated with the Buoy Field has been extended to July 1 and a contractor has been scheduled.

Jan Driscol has been retained to assist with the State Land Lease Renewal which covers the buoy field, two piers and the swim platforms.

Tree Removal Plan for the 2021 year has been completed and the asphalt contractor has been scheduled weather permitting.

Buoy install will be scheduled for early May with one-half of the blocks and chains to be inspected.  A new swim platform is on order along with two additional kayak racks.  Sand will be ordered for the volleyball area and the main beach.  Will continue erosion control work on the beach path, this will be an ongoing four to five year project.  Flowers will be planted in various areas as spring progresses.  Boulders will be installed at the cul-de-sac.

Snow removal is under budget due to the low snowfall this winter.  The snow blower may not be available for lease this coming winter, options will be reviewed at the fall budget meeting.

Insurance Committee  -  Anthony Miles
No claims in the current period, all is quiet.

Reviewed the proposed amendment to the CC&R’s to change the residence insurance responsibilities to a shell configuration covered by the HOA Master Policy and interior improvements covered by the Unit Owner(HO-6) policy.

Motion to approve the Amendment and to send the Amendment out for a vote of the ownership was made and passed unanimously.

Motion was made and passed unanimously to hire an Inspector of Elections for this vote.

Treasurer’s Report  -  Annie Mitchell
As of March 8, 2021, we have $154,471 of cash in the Operating Fund and $950,212 in the Reserve Fund.  We are currently within budget and operating to match the calendar cycle.

We have also been paying 1.5x on the insurance to avoid excessive interest.  The payment amount for insurance is $80,446.04.  We’ve paid 1.5x of that amount last two months(that comes out to $120,669.06, so I rounded up to $120,670.00).

We have received two bids for a Reserve Study, one from Hughes Reserves & Asset Management, LLC for $15,500 and one from Browning Reserve Group for $7,600.

Motion was made to contract with Browning Reserve Group, motion passed unanimously.

Delinquencies: We’re in excellent shape.  We have one delinquency which is related to a change of ownership and is being resolved.  And two homeowners are paying last year’s fees.  Monique highlighted it in their last statement in hopes to correct.

December and January Financial Statements were approved by the Finance Committee.

Motion was made to approve the December and January Statements, motion was passed unanimously.

General Manager Report  -  Mitch Packard
Transition to the new General Manager is working well.

In addition to items previously reported, has been working with the association’s attorney on wording for the proposed change to the insurance section of the CC&R’s.  Will be proceeding with notices and ballots for the CC&R change and director nominations per the election timeline.

Activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Chinquapin will be planned for the Labor Day Annual Meeting.

Will be installing two dedicated dog poop containers to gage interest, hopefully these will encourage waste pickup and disposal.

Chinquapin Newsletter is being sent out shortly with general interest items. 

WMC Report  -  Aidan Miles
In addition to previous items, the painting/staining schedule has been set for the spring and fall.  All tri-level decks will be stained this spring.

The general property cleanup will begin in mid-April weather permitting.

Re-roofing of units #124 - #127 will be completed this fall.  This is the last major roofing project which includes alterations for the interior drains.

In process of hiring staff for the pier and recreation areas for the summer season.  New signs for the Chinquapin Trail are being fabricated.

11:30  -  President Giacomi adjourned the meeting.

Architectural Review Committee Meeting Dates

Members may submit their improvement projects for the meetings listed below. Please see the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Chinquapin Homeowners Checklist for Approval for pertinent information about ARC submittals.

All meetings are held at the Chinquapin Carriage House unless otherwise specified. Members will be able to call in to attend.

ARC meeting schedule

Friday, November 10th 2023 | 9:30 am 

Friday, January 19th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, March 22nd, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, May 24th, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, July 12th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, August 30th, 2024 | 9:30 am