Board Meeting Minutes

Chinquapin Homeowners Association

Saturday, May 29, 2021, 9:30 AM

Carriage House, Chinquapin

3600 North Lake Blvd - Tahoe City, CA 96145

Directors Present
Steve Giacomi, President
Terry Sarvas, Vice President
Chuck Lanham, Secretary
Carl Bertelsen
Anthony Miles
Haley Packard

Directors Present (by phone)
Annie Mitchell, Treasurer

Staff Present
Mitch Packard, General Manager
Aidan Miles, WMC

Homeowners Present

Homeowners Present (by phone)
Robin Kelly, #162
Michael & Barbara Johnson #153
Lisa Kelley #33
George Pelton #103

9:30  -  Call to Order and Welcoming Remarks
Approval of the meeting minutes of the 03/29/2021 Board Meeting.

Motion to approve the meeting minutes passed unanimously

Open Session  -  Homeowners

President’s Report  -  Steve Giacomi
We are presently in a Board election cycle, candidates need to submit their statements by 06/11/2021.  No current legal issues.  There is a dumpster onsite near Unit #65 to facilitate homeowner spring cleaning.  Reminded everyone to vote on the CC&R change.  Thanked everyone for submitting their SWOT analysis input, a summary will be presented at the next Board meeting.

Committee and Staff Reports

Architectural Review Committee  -  Haley Packard
Unit #89,  New deck railing similar to units above the pool and tennis, same size, these were approved by ARC at its meeting on 05/28/2021.

Unit #170, Bathroom remodel and sliding glass door replacement, these were approved by ARC at its meeting on 05/28/2021.

Unit #67, Patio remodel, this was approved by ARC at its meeting on 05/28/2021, pending drawings to be submitted by the contractor for approval.

Unit #28, Deck change to wire railing, this was approved by the ARC at its meeting on 05/28/2021.

Motion to approve the ARC recommendations was approved unanimously.

Homeowners Relations  -  Haley Packard
Caterer and DJ have been booked for the 4th of July Chinquapin Party, the caterer will need volunteers for serving, etc.  The party equipment rental company went out of business during Covid, continuing to research a source for tables and chairs.  The parade, games and other activities along with table and seating configurations will be fine tuned based on the June 15th state Covid directions.  Will need homeowner volunteers for the day’s activities.

Planning continues for the Chinquapin 50th Anniversary party, the General Manager is researching dates in July or August when the Dollar House is available.

A draft of the Chinquapin Newsletter was presented, it will include a President’s Letter and various articles such as ongoing property projects and good neighbor policy reminders.  The newsletter will be sent out via email which is now the default mode for HOA correspondence.

Building Committee  -  Carl Bertelsen
Beach path remodel and maintenance continues.  

Beach/Dock bathroom remodel progressing.  Both bathroom doors and frames were replaced due to extensive dry rot on the front of the building.  Due to availability of the tile subcontractor a replacement tile contractor was brought up from the bay area at a cost savings.  WMC is reinstalling the sinks, fixtures and mirrors.  Also had the tile contractor inspect the pool and tennis bathrooms for a future bid to replace the tile in those bathrooms.

Spring painting and staining is progressing.  All tri-level decks and all one bedroom decks will be stained.  Painting complete on Units #56 - 57.

Unit #28 main deck rebuild complete.  Also replaced railings on multiple units.

Working with the roofer on the schedule for Units 124-127.  These units require the interior drains to be rebuilt and are the last of the major roof replacements. Due to Covid material issues plywood costs have increased for this project, Board agreed for Buildings, WMC & GM to monitor and if within 15% of original bid to proceed with the project. 

Grounds Committee  -  Terry Sarvas
The sewer tank and pump replacement project for Units 163 - 182 is progressing.  The integral tank and pump unit has been ordered from Xylem and will be delivered this summer and then stored on-site for a mid-September installation start.  Planning for a one week down time for the affected units but could be as short as 2 days given the nature of the  prepackaged unit.  Tim Farrell, Civil Engineer will assist with locating a qualified installation contractor.  Board consensus for the General Manager to proceed with the Engineer to include a dedicated generator for this unit which will enhance the response to off site power losses.

Lateral sewer lines and the tanks have been cleaned and the tank level telemetry has been checked.

Asphalt work in progress with the warmer weather.  The roadway has been sealed and striped.  Walkway from Unit #38 to the parking lot behind the office will be resealed.  The walkway for Units 163 - 164 is being completely replaced over the next two weeks.  Will consider widening the shoulder along the entry road.

The creek area needs trimming due to its annual growth.  The forest area behind Units 1 -20 will be treated with a brush masticator which will grind up brush and small saplings and also limb up larger trees, processed material will be left in place as wood chips.  This treatment should significantly reduce the fire material in this area, should look similar to the area behind Unit #17.  This work is scheduled for September or October.

Additional sand will be brought in for the volleyball court and the beaches.

The Hot Tub project is moving ahead with a design expected this summer.  Initial interest in donations has been very positive.

One swim platform has been installed and a second one will be installed shortly.  The second platform will be installed between the two piers.  Buoys in half of the field have been inspected, waiting for the report.  The buoys in the field may need to be moved to their original positions due to movement over time.  Dave Nemeth suggested the board revisit the cost of buoy fees to renters.  Two new beach racks will arrive soon.  General Manager will get pictures of the buoy field to Jan Briscoe for the California State Land Lease renewal.  Buoy assignments have gone well.

The Dollar House turnaround needs to be reviewed by a traffic engineer to detail the required expansion to meet Fire Department requirements to be able to respond to that area.

Lawns have been fertilized and will be repeated after 30 days, this will be complete before the 4th of July.  Flowers will be planted by next weekend.  Weeds will be spot treated as needed.

Bumpers will be installed on the Dollar House pier due to the low water level.  A new bear box will be ordered for the Dollar House and low light LED’s will be installed on the pier.

Research continues on possible EV charging station options.  Haley Packard has been researching options and costs for stations with Tesla.  Initial locations could be near the office and the pool area with other additional locations in the different phases of the Chinquapin property.  Will need additional information on transformer locations and capacity.  GM and WMC will research possible HOA rules to regulate the use by individual owners of charging cords which are across common areas.

Insurance Committee  -  Anthony Miles
CC&R change to a walls-in coverage configuration has been out to vote for 30 days and is short of the 115 votes needed for a quorum.  The Board will extend the voting deadline an additional 30 days.  A mid-June email reminder will be sent out to remind homeowners to vote.

Motion was made and passed unanimously to extend the voting deadline for an additional 30 days.

Pool, Racquet Sports and Bocce Committee  -  Chuck Lanham
New flooring for the Tennis Office has been installed.  Floor trim and new lighting will be installed shortly.  A desk and storage units will be installed when construction is complete. 

Resurfacing of courts #1 - #3 will be completed in September.  WMC is working on an alternative contractor and will also research the cost to include all new fencing.

Repair work on the west pool fencing will start shortly and surface repairs to the middle pickle ball court will be completed in the next two weeks.

Treasurer’s Report  -  Annie Mitchell
As of May, 29, 2021, we have $429,322.86 cash in the Operating Fund and $952,846.30 in the Reserve Fund.  We are currently within budget and operating to match the calendar cycle.

Based on feedback in audit, I plan to put approximately .5M from the replacement fund into 3 or 6 month CDs.  I’m going to look into it this week and then bring to the Finance Committee the options.

We are continuing to pay 1.5x on the insurance to avoid excessive interest.

Delinquencies: We’re in decent shape.  We have no one over 30 days and about 10 HO in 1-30 days.  Reminder notices went out.


February, March and April Financial Statements were approved by the Finance Committee.  Motion passed unanimously.

Motion to approve the Financial Statements was passed unanimously.

General Manager Report  -  Mitch Packard
In addition to previously reported items, the GM has been fielding numerous inquiries from homeowners regarding the CC&R insurance change and providing clarification as needed.

Received an email from the Dollar Point Firewise Committee with concerns regarding some dead trees and defensible space issues on the Chinquapin property that adjoins the Dollar Point property.  The General Manager and WMC will walk the area in question and then discuss the possible options with Dollar Point.

The Board agreed to have the GM acquire four more dedicated dog poop containers for installation on the property.

Browning Reserve Group will be on site during the next couple of months to work on the reserve study.

Continuing to follow up on the Charter wiring upgrade with help from homeowner Dave Nemeth.

We have a bid from Stuart Ginsberg to complete the BMP work, this work should be completed the week of June 14th or June 21st.

WMC Report  -  Aidan Miles
In addition to previously reported items, WMC has been working on spring landscaping and general cleanup which should be complete in another week.  The pool is open and tennis nets and wind nets have been installed.

The tractor used for snow blowing will not be available this next year for lease, other options will be discussed during the budgeting process.

12:00  -  President Giacomi adjourned the meeting.

Architectural Review Committee Meeting Dates

Members may submit their improvement projects for the meetings listed below. Please see the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Chinquapin Homeowners Checklist for Approval for pertinent information about ARC submittals.

All meetings are held at the Chinquapin Carriage House unless otherwise specified. Members will be able to call in to attend.

ARC meeting schedule

Friday, November 10th 2023 | 9:30 am 

Friday, January 19th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, March 22nd, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, May 24th, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, July 12th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, August 30th, 2024 | 9:30 am