Board Meeting Minutes
Chinquapin Homeowners Association
Saturday, July 17, 2021, 9:30 AM
Carriage House, Chinquapin
3600 North Lake Blvd - Tahoe City, CA 96145
Directors Present
Terry Sarvas, Vice President
Annie Mitchell, Treasurer
Chuck Lanham, Secretary
Carl Bertelsen
Anthony Miles
Haley Packard
Directors Present (by phone)
Steve Giacomi, President
Staff Present
Mitch Packard, General Manager
Aidan Miles, WMC
Homeowners Present
Pam Rubin #111
Homeowners Present (by phone)
Robin Kelly, #162
Lisa Kelley #33
Dave Nemeth #78
9:30 - Call to Order and Welcoming Remarks
Approval of the meeting minutes of the 05/29/2021 Board Meeting.
Motion to approve the meeting minutes passed unanimously
Open Session - Homeowners
No comments
President’s Report - Steve Giacomi
Very busy period since the May Board meeting. Vote to change the insurance section of the CC&R’s was passed with a 66 & ⅔ majority with 119 yes votes and 4 no votes. This change will improve the HOA’s ability to obtain insurance for the master policy in a very difficult insurance market. Buoy area BMP for drainage down the hill to the pier was completed. Beach bathroom remodel was completed. We had a very successful July 4th celebration and picnic, many thanks to Haley Packard and all the volunteers. Ballots will be mailed out at the end of July for the annual board election with seven candidates running for four board positions. On a negative note, vehicle speeding and dogs off leash continue to be a challenge and will need to be addressed with continued education.
Committee and Staff Reports
Architectural Review Committee - Haley Packard
There were no ARC requests from homeowners during this period and no ARC meeting. Due to the hotter summer weather we may need to review and revise the ARC specs for AC additions.
Homeowners Relations - Haley Packard
4th of July celebration and picnic were very well received with one of the larger crowds in recent history. 365 tickets were sold. The cost for the caterer, DJ and all vendors have increased post COVID with a total cost of $23k, ticket sales of $10k with a net cost to the HOA of $13k. The round tables which were used as a social distancing method were well received and should be continued along with not having a dance floor.
May need to shift the 50th Anniversary Party from mid-August to September 5th, the day after the annual meeting.
Very positive feedback has been received on the Chinquapin News Letter.
Building Committee - Carl Bertelsen
Beach path restroom remodel is complete with only some interior painting to be done.
Spring painting is largely complete with a few decks remaining to be done.
Design Focus International will be providing landscape architect services for the Spa Project and will be scheduling a site visit for the Fall. Preliminary donor interest in the project has been very positive.
Grounds Committee - Terry Sarvas
The pier water line repair has been completed along with replacement of damaged vertical wood supports. Crack filling and sealing on the beach path will be done next year. The metal fabricator for the Unit #38 handrail repair will be out by the end of the month, Carl Bertelsen will also check on an alternate contractor. Dollar House pier work(railing, rockwork and strip lighting) will be done this fall. Dollar House pier trash can was installed.
Unit #30 planting is partially complete, maples will also be planted. Unit #12 lawn holes have been filled. Beach path erosion control and formalizing social paths will be done in the Fall along with bush trimming. Will attempt to trim the Dogwoods after they flower in the spring.
The kayak racks will be moved with the same type of rack(wood or metal) together. Will publish a hard deadline in the newsletter to remind owners that kayaks, sup’s and other water craft must be removed from the shoreline area in the Fall. Some buoy spreading back to their original locations was done in the Spring, more will be done. Repair and tuneup to the Units 114-117 stairs will be done by Joe Pace.
The pathway to Unit #110 was redone with a continuous slope and no stairs. Additional vents in the ice machine door have been installed and the bottle filler will be moved from the ice machine room and will replace the water fountain on the outside wall.
Additional sand has been added to the volleyball court and new flowers have been planted in all of the planters around the property. Road sealing and striping has been completed.
Insurance Committee - Anthony Miles
The change to the CC&R’s insurance section to a bare walls configuration with the HOA being responsible for the building shell and the unit owners being responsible for the interior was passed at the end of June with the required 66 and ⅔ vote. The CC&R change will be signed by the President and Secretary, notarized and returned to Porter Simon Law Offices to be filed with Placer County on or after August 1, 2021.
A motion was made and passed unanimously to reduce the HOA Master Insurance Policy from the current $125M to $75M on or after August 15, 2021 to reflect the reduced coverage needed for the Master Policy.
Pool, Racquet Sports and Bocce Committee - Chuck Lanham
The Tennis Office remodel has been completed. The bottle filler in the ice machine room will be moved to the outside and will replace the current water fountain.
Resurfacing of the three Pickle Ball Courts will be started on July 27th and should be completed by July 30th.
The Courts 1 - 3 resurfacing project will be moved to the spring of 2022.
Discussed starting the process to have Chinquapin HOA become a Firewise certified community.
Motion was made and passed unanimously to proceed with the Firewise Certification process.
Treasurer’s Report - Annie Mitchell
As of July 15, 2021, we have $627,761.00 cash in the Operating Fund at Bank of the West and $1.3M in the Reserve Fund ($416k Schwab and $911K Plumas). We are currently within budget and operating under calendar cycle.
We plan to put approx. $.5M from the replacement fund into 3 or 6 month CDs. In order to do that, I would like to move $500k from Plumas to Schwab. Moving these funds to Schwab will maximize the FDIC coverage on these funds.
Delinquencies: None
May Financial Statements were approved by the Finance Committee. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to approve the May Financial Statements passed unanimously.
Motion to move $500K from Plumas to Schwab was approved and passed unanimously.
General Manager Report - Mitch Packard
4th of July celebration was very successful but also had some challenges such as parking and dogs. Next year we should consider having the guard at the entry gate.
Delivery of the sewer pump station module has moved from July to the last two weeks of September, this will reduce the time required for storing on site prior to the installation. Install is currently planned for October. GM is working with Tim Ferrell, the engineer to secure a qualified contractor and will then notify the affected homeowners of the dates when the units will be offline..
GM has met with the Dollar Point Firewise Committee regarding concerns with dead trees on the hillside. Has also met with individual homeowners seeking permission to remove dead trees near their property that are on Chinquapin property. Permission was granted in cases where the trees are fully dead.
WMC Report - Aidan Miles
Buoy field has been averaging five to six renters per week with increased revenue to the HOA. Five buoy blocks are scheduled to be replaced.
Roof replacement for Units #124 - #127 has been scheduled. Also the Unit #123 skylight replacement has been scheduled.
Lawn areas will be fertilized this week. The new lawn mower has significantly reduced mowing time which has increased hours that can be applied to other landscaping projects.
Pool chlorine supplies which have been in short supply have been secured for the remainder of the season. Staffing for the pool and tennis area has been challenging.
12:00 - President Giacomi adjourned the meeting.
Architectural Review Committee Meeting Dates
Members may submit their improvement projects for the meetings listed below. Please see the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Chinquapin Homeowners Checklist for Approval for pertinent information about ARC submittals.
All meetings are held at the Chinquapin Carriage House unless otherwise specified. Members will be able to call in to attend.
ARC meeting schedule
Friday, November 10th 2023 | 9:30 am
Friday, January 19th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, March 22nd, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, May 24th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, July 12th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, August 30th, 2024 | 9:30 am