Board Meeting Minutes
Chinquapin Homeowners Association
Saturday, January 22, 2022, 9:30AM
Carriage House, Chinquapin
3600 North Lake Blvd - Tahoe City, CA 96145
Directors Present
Steve Giacomi, President
Annie Mitchell, Treasurer
Chuck Lanham, Secretary
Carl Bertelsen
Anthony Miles
Haley Packard
Directors Present (via zoom)
Terry Sarvas, Vice President
Staff Present
Mitch Packard, General Manager
Aidan Miles, WMC
Homeowners Present
Homeowners Present (by phone)
Robin Kelly, #162
Lisa Kelley, #33
Sandra Packard, #150
Rosalie Pacula, #118
9:30 - Call to Order and Welcoming Remarks
Approval of the meeting minutes of the 11/13/2021 Board Meeting, the 11/13/2021 Executive Session and the 11/16/2021 Emergency Board Meeting.
Motion to approve the meeting minutes passed unanimously
Open Session - Homeowners
Rosalie Pacula, #118, problem with the homeowners quarterly fees on the payment portal did not reflect the current amount. WMC will correct. Her check for the quarterly dues had not yet cleared but had been deposited by the GM.
Lisa Kelley, #33, question about the status of installing EV charging stations. GM’s research to date has cost to install at about $15k to $20K, will look to requote and will continue exploring options as the equipment evolves.
President’s Report - Steve Giacomi
Thanked WMC for all the snow plowing and removal during the December storms which kept the property open and accessible.
Committee and Staff Reports
Architectural Review Committee - Haley Packard
No ARC meeting this period.
Discussed complaints received about the remodel project on unit #105. This remodel has been ongoing for four years. Per discussion with the contractor they are in the punchlist phase and the remaining small items should be complete by the end of February. ARC will review and recommend possible changes to ARC project approvals to include time limits and the need to reapply for ARC approval when exceeded.
Homeowners Relations - Haley Packard
Looking for feedback on dates for the Chinquapin 50th Anniversary party which was postponed from 2021 to 2022 due to the Calder Fire. Could be a stand alone date or joint with the July 4th party.
The designer for the Dollar House remodel will be onsite this coming week to do measurements.
The HOA’s website needs a general update. Some areas have out of date documents and duplicate information on the public and members only sections. The GM will review and attempt to update the site and if needed will explore engaging an outside vendor.
Building Committee - Carl Bertelsen
Problems with the extended remodel of unit #105 was discussed in the ARC section.
Deck replacement of Unit #1 is on hold for the winter and will be completed in the spring, also unit #105 is on hold waiting for material.
The annual fireplace inspection for units with wood fireplaces has been completed. This is approximately half the units, the remainder being gas. Letters will be going out to owners with units that are mechanically deficient or have excessive creosote buildup. Six units need caps which WMC will install.
Requested and received a simplified redesign of the spa project from the architect. The Building Committee suggested it is time to proceed and put out a letter to the ownership announcing the project and soliciting donations to fund it. The board’s unanimous consensus was to move ahead.
Grounds Committee - Terry Sarvas
Open pavement items are complete, three walkway repairs and associated stairs, unit #185 carport repaired and unit #190 carport section was repaired.
Two tree clusters and one crane tree were removed. WMC has been removing saplings as needed and trimming and removing deciduous tree limbs from extensive damage due to the heavy snows in December. The mastication project behind units #9 -16 which was on hold after the December snows may be able to restart with limbing and then doing the mastication when the snow clears.
GM is starting to request bids for fire fuel reduction projects with a progression starting with the area behind phase 1 and continuing through to phase 4.
Need to review the buoy fee amount. We also may be a year behind on the TRPA buoy fee billing, which is $11.8k per year. This fee is separate from the CA State Lands Lease. Based on a recommendation from Jan Brisco, environmental consultant the buoy heads were not removed this fall as they have been in past years, this is due concern over damage to fish habitat when dropping the chains. Chain inspections will still be done yearly and half of the blocks will be dive inspected yearly.
The sewer pump station project has been on hold due to snow. The field mods to the tank to match the existing piping are complete, the electrical is complete and the hole has been prepped, when the install is restarted it should proceed quickly. Servicing of the pumps will need to be done at least annually, a lift for the servicing will need to be installed at a cost of $7,700. Will continue exploring the install of a permanent, dedicated generator for the pump station.
Before the March Board meeting need to conduct a walk through with the pavement contractor for the proposed 2022 payment scope. Also need all 2022 tree bids.
Insurance Committee - Anthony Miles
No new claims this period including any water claims from the record setting snowfall in December.
The HOA’s insurance policy was renewed on 12/15/2021 for the next twelve months. The new policy includes $75M of property coverage with a $100k deductible and annual policy cost of $1,009,000 plus financing cost of approximately $16k and a $22k refund from the previous policy term due to the reduction of property limits as a result of the CC&R change. The renewal came in under the budgeted amount of $1.125M.
Pool, Racquet and Bocce Committee - Chuck Lanham
The GM will work on obtaining bids for resurfacing tennis courts 1 -3 with options for the Board to review at the March meeting. Work has been progressing on fence repair at the west end of the pool. WMC will be ordering the automatic pool sweep for the upcoming summer season and will also be ordering new sand for the Bocce courts. WMC will also review the Children’s play area for a refresh with a spring horse, infant swing seat, fence slats and wood chips.
Firewise Committee - Chuck Lanham
North Tahoe Fire submitted their written risk assessment after the November site inspection. Next step for Firewise recognition will be completing the three year action plan.
Treasurer’s Report - Annie Mitchell
As of Jan 18, 2022, we have $478,240.88 cash in Operating Fund and have in Reserve Fund of $1,215,265.09. $206,926.40 at Plumas. $1,008,338.69 at Schab.
Delinquencies. We currently have 39 units in 30 day which is typical for this time of year. Reminder letters going out. No homeowner is more than 60 days.
We paid 1 ½ on insurance this month. (As we did last year).
Motion to approve November Financial Statements was unanimously approved.
Allocate for fire protection 155K which came from the savings in difference from insurance from 1.150k to 1,009,901…..995K
Motion to eliminate the $800 assessment and use any savings from insurance, including interest be designated towards Fire Abatement as unanimously approved.
General Manager’s Report - Mitch Packard
In addition to items reported under the committee reports.
Browning Reserve Group will be onsite in the spring to complete the reserve study. They are discounting their fees due to the delay.
Will be securing security services for the 4th of July weekend including gate security on the 4th and a roving presence throughout the weekend.
WMC and GM contracts were finalized.
WMC Report - Aidan Miles
Responded to several minor roof leaks due to the heavy snowfall. Lots of snow removal and ice control with the December storms.
Last year of the orange snow blower rental. The GM and WMC will research tractor/blower options for either purchase or leasing for the next Board meeting.
The controller for the front gate is being replaced. The new controller will be able to handle 11 digit phone numbers.
11:40 AM - President Giacomi adjourned the meeting.
Architectural Review Committee Meeting Dates
Members may submit their improvement projects for the meetings listed below. Please see the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Chinquapin Homeowners Checklist for Approval for pertinent information about ARC submittals.
All meetings are held at the Chinquapin Carriage House unless otherwise specified. Members will be able to call in to attend.
ARC meeting schedule
Friday, November 10th 2023 | 9:30 am
Friday, January 19th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, March 22nd, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, May 24th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, July 12th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, August 30th, 2024 | 9:30 am