Board Meeting Minutes
Chinquapin Homeowners Association
Saturday, May 28, 2022, 9:30 AM
Carriage House, Chinquapin
3600 North Lake Blvd - Tahoe City, CA 96145
Directors Present
Steve Giacomi, President
Terry Sarvas, Vice President
Annie Mitchell, Treasurer
Chuck Lanham, Secretary
Directors Absent
Carl Bertelsen
Directors Present (by phone)
Anthony Miles
Haley Packard
Staff Present
Mitch Packard, General Manager
Aidan Miles, WMC
Homeowners Present
Teresa Giovanzana #74
Robin Kelly #162
Allyson Whitlock #129
Homeowners Present (by phone)
Lisa Kelley, #33
Dave Nemeth, #78
Cris Wedekind, #51
Lawrence Duncan, #83, #185
9:30 - Call to Order and Welcoming Remarks
Approval of the meeting minutes of the 03/12/2022 Board Meeting and Executive Session.
Motion to approve the meeting minutes passed unanimously
Open Session - Homeowners
Dave Nemeth, requested status of site security, the General Manager reviewed ongoing security efforts and efforts to engage security contractors for the upcoming summer season.
Allyson Whitlock, parking spaces across from the tennis courts need to be clearly marked, paving contractor will be onsite this next week and will mark this area.
Lawrence Duncan, concerned about dogs off leash. Also concerned about liability, noise and cost to maintain the proposed spa.
Lisa Kelley, requested status on installing EV charging stations. GM continues to explore options with Tesla and other vendors on feasibility and locations for station installs.
Robin Kelly, expressed frustration with Spectrum service.
President’s Report - Steve Giacomi
Notice for dogs off leash with penalties was sent out to the ownership. First incident is a warning, second is a $50 fine and the third is the owner’s dog is banned from common property. Staff will enforce and owners can also report violations with photos or a video. Notice will be sent out again with the dog rules and also a reminder about speed limits, noise and the spring cleaning dumpster.
No legal actions at this time.
Committee and Staff Reports
Architectural Review Committee - Haley Packard
The following ARC requests were approved at the ARC meeting on 05/27/2022.
Unit #160, window addition was approved pending TRPA approval for a lakefront window; and a new front door was approved.
Unit #82, skylight replacement from the existing 2’x2’ to 2’x4’ was approved.
Unit #151, window modification in the living room and master bedroom was approved pending TRPA approval.
Unit #3, sliding glass door and skylight replacement with like for like was approved. Outdoor storage unit was denied approval.
Unit #11, remodel approved contingent on clarifying the roof’s pounds per square foot specs from structural engineer, confirming skylights are under 7% of roof square footage and confirming that the master bedroom gas insert will vent through the roof.
Motion to approve the ARC recommendations was approved unanimously.
Unit #105 remodel is finished, there will be a painter next week doing touch ups with one or two parked cars max.
Homeowners Relations - Haley Packard
The 50th Anniversary Party date was set for 08/06/2022. Will have food trucks.
Vendors for the 4th of July party have increased prices, will review the pricing for adults, kids and the option to have separate drink tickets.
Detailed results from the spa project survey have been compiled, with 79 yes votes and 47 no. This was referred back to the Spa committee to review the responses, review location options and refine installation and operating costs and to make a final recommendation.
Building Committee - Carl Bertelsen
Lakeside decks on the two one-bedroom buildings are separating from the buildings due to settling of the footings. The lakeside decks and entry decks on these units will need to be replaced. GM will work with the contractor on options, timing and pricing. Will review options for fire resistive materials.
GM will also work with the contractor to start the state mandated deck inspection program.
Roof leak between units #119 and #120 caused some floor damage. The drain has been repaired. This drain was installed by a previous contractor, WMC will research if there is any warranty coverage on the original installation.
Dollar House entry doors that were bear damaged have been fabricated and installed, these doors match the previous ones but are heavier.
Unit #134, the entry deck is beat up, HOA will paint the supports and stain the deck. The lakeside deck is scheduled to be done next year, the owner can opt to do it themselves this year. Door to the crawlspace was damaged by a bear, HOA will replace with a wooden door, the owner can upgrade to a metal door at their expense.
Unit #10 had a roof leak with some drywall damage.
Browning Reserve Group will be onsite starting in June to do the Reserve study.
Grounds Committee - Terry Sarvas
The sewer lift station project near umit #173 is complete with all inspections final. This project came in under budget at approximately $185k and was budgeted for $200k. The pump station electrical panel will be painted brown to blend into the surroundings. All Charter service boxes will also be painted brown.
The WMC defensible space/fuel reduction crew will continue work throughout the summer. WMC will provide an informational invoice for all defensible space work done as part of the maintenance contract and work invoiced in addition to the maintenance contract.
Motion to approve the next $74k in fuel reduction contracts was approved unanimously.
Reviewed the following items:
Work will continue on the entry road brush trim back.
Road crack sealing is complete, striping will be completed this week with emails to the affected owners.
Work on social trails continues
Replanting of flower beds and planters to be done.
Pier bumpers have been installed, will modify the lower platform to access the pier boat on the outboard side of the pier.
GM will research needed permits with Jan Driscoll for sea wall repair at the Dollar House patio and sand replenishment at the two beaches.
Lawn fertilizer will be done shortly.
Gravity sewer lines have been cleaned and inspected per schedule, no repairs currently needed.
Ice room venting complete.
Buoy inspections are complete and blocks scheduled have been replaced.
Beach bathrooms remodel is complete.
Wood chip piles are onsite to spread as needed.
Chinquapin Trail to be worked.
Horseshoe pits need to be cleaned.
GM will contact owners for permission to remove junk stored in lower areas of units along the beach path.
GM/WMC will work on options for boat storage for temporary boats.
GM will research having additional junk dumpsters over the summer.
The entry gate is operational with new hinges and a control board replacement which required a complete upload of individual owner codes.
Pool, Racquet and Bocce Committee - Chuck Lanham
The pool is up and running as of 05/28/2022. The new pool sweep is operational.
The resurfacing of tennis courts 1 - 3 is tentatively scheduled for the last two weeks in June or if delayed for a week in July. We’ll check with the contractor on moving the date to late August if it will not be complete in June to avoid the peak summer season use.
The GM will get quotes for repairing and upgrading the fencing around all of the tennis, pickle ball and bocce courts.
Firewise Committee - Chuck Lanham
The 3 year action plan was completed by the GM and has been uploaded to the Firewise application. WMC will provide a cost breakout for the defensive space/fuel reduction work that is being done in house by WMC along with the number of dumpsters and cost that is paid by the HOA. Free dumpsters provided by NT Fire have been scheduled.
Treasurer’s Report - Annie Mitchell
As of May 27, 2022, we have $340,806.41 in the Operating Fund and have $1,247,023 in the Reserve Fund. ($238,652.01 at Plumas and $1,008,371 at Schwab).
We requested that an account for Defensible Space be added and requested that $200,000 of the budget be allocated to the line item from the Grounds budget.
We paid 1 1/2x on insurance this month. (As we did last month).
On track for budget, likely under b/c most of the work is done in summer.
April Financial Statements were approved by the finance committee and I would like to make a motion to approve.
Motion to approve the April Financial Statements was unanimously approved.
Taxes: CA payment was $500; est for 2022 is $2000. Fed payments were 2k and 6k estimated for 2022.
Delinquencies. We currently have 1 units that is 90 days. Reminder letters going out. And a handful 30 days.
General Manager’s Report - Mitch Packard
In addition to items previously reported:
Continue to search for security staffing options, very limited in the current market. Working to have security coverage for the 4th of July at the entrance gate and walk around.
WMC Report - Aidan Miles
In addition to items previously reported:
Pier attendant coverage goes daily starting on June 15th, per board request will change to 8 AM to 8 PM coverage.
12:40 PM - President Giacomi adjourned the meeting.
Architectural Review Committee Meeting Dates
Members may submit their improvement projects for the meetings listed below. Please see the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Chinquapin Homeowners Checklist for Approval for pertinent information about ARC submittals.
All meetings are held at the Chinquapin Carriage House unless otherwise specified. Members will be able to call in to attend.
ARC meeting schedule
Friday, November 10th 2023 | 9:30 am
Friday, January 19th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, March 22nd, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, May 24th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, July 12th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, August 30th, 2024 | 9:30 am