Board Meeting Minutes

Chinquapin Homeowners Association

Saturday, July 16, 2022, 9:30 AM

Carriage House, Chinquapin

3600 North Lake Blvd - Tahoe City, CA 96145

Directors Present
Steve Giacomi, President
Terry Sarvas, Vice President
Annie Mitchell, Treasurer
Chuck Lanham, Secretary
Carl Bertelsen
Haley Packard

Directors Absent
Anthony Miles

Directors Present (by phone)

Staff Present
Mitch Packard, General Manager
Aidan Miles, WMC

Vendors Present
Scott Ryan, Ryan Group Architects

Homeowners Present
Ralph Capola #110
Alf Merriweather #112

Homeowners Present (by phone)
Sandra Carter, 
Linda Doctor, #133
Bill Kartozian, #27
Lisa Kelley, #33
Robin Kelly, #162
Dave Nemeth, #78
Ed Taylor, #184
John Wilkinson, #13

9:30  -  Call to Order and Welcoming Remarks

Approval of the meeting minutes of the 05/28/2022 Board Meeting and the 05/28/2022 Executive Session.

Motion to approve the meeting minutes passed unanimously

Open Session  -  Homeowners
Ralph Capola, #112, concerned with pier boat access due to the low lake level.  Requested checking on options to lower the walkways in response to the lake level.  GM will consult with Jan Briscoe on TRPA requirements and will research options and costs to modify the boat access on the pier.

Alf Merriweather, #112, question on the funding options for the proposed spa project.  Concerned if the funding is not voluntary then there should be additional research on homeowner preference for other options such as a workout facility.  Robin Kelly and Ed Taylor concerned with the spa project expense given other current expenses such as insurance and forest fuel reduction.

Lisa Kelley, #33, their building has a mice and squirrel infestation.  Per WMC this has historically been handled on a case by case basis as needed.  This has also been a problem at Buildings #1 and #33.  Paragon Pest Control will be out on Monday to address the problem.  WMC will work with Paragon on long term solutions.

President’s Report  -  Steve Giacomi
President Giacomi and the board wished board member Anthony Miles a quick recovery.  Had a successful 4th of July party.  Discussed some minor adjustments for next year such as eliminating the bar.  Will continue sending out notices for dog protocol and speeding on site.  No legal issues.

Committee and Staff Reports

Architectural Review Committee  -  Haley Packard
No ARC meeting this period.  

Unit #74, new front door was fast track approved.

Need  to finalize a tighter timeline for remodel projects such as 14 months duration and if exceeded will require a new ARC approval for the project to continue.  Need to clarify contractor use of porta potties on site.

Motion to approve the ARC recommendations was approved unanimously.

Unit #105 remodel is finished, there will be a painter next week doing touch ups with one or two parked cars max.

Homeowners Relations  -  Haley Packard
50th anniversary party is scheduled for August 6th.  Current plan is to have a food truck and to use the remaining wine and beer from the 4th of July party.

4th of July party was well attended.  The change to a drink wristband system was probably abused, consensus is to make it a BYOB event going forward.  Also need to streamline the ticket check in process.  Net cost of the event was about $10 to $11k.

Building Committee  -  Carl Bertelsen
Scott Ryan, Ryan Group Architects, gave a presentation on possible locations for the spa within the existing pool area.  This would utilize the existing ADA access ramp and bathroom.  With year round access to the spa a temporary fence would be used in the winter time to prevent access to the pool.  Options were given for a pre-fab fiberglass above ground tub, a stainless steel above ground tub  or an inground hot tub similar to the existing pool.

Next step will be to confirm projected construction and operating costs

Spring painting is complete.  While Chase Painting has performed well the production has been slow at times.  Given the narrow window with no painting during July and August it may be necessary to look at alternative contractors that can apply a larger crew or split contracts between contractors.

Chimney inspections were completed, none currently at risk.  Given the age of the originally installed units homeowners are encouraged to consider conversion to gas units.

Deck inspections need to be completed by Jan/2025.  GM will continue to investigate repair/rebuild options on the one bedroom decks.

Grounds Committee  -  Terry Sarvas
Reviewed the Tahoe Tree Care bids for the fall defensible space/fuel reduction work, board concurred to proceed.

Sample fire restive tarps for unit wood piles were inspected.  GM will order tarps for all units that still have wood burning fireplaces and wood piles and will bill to the respective owners.

Ice machine at the rec building failed but has been repaired.  A new ice machine is being installed at the Dollar House.

Finishing work on the new sewer pit electrical panel is being completed with a wood enclosure being built.

Brush clearing by the WMC crew continues across the site, the entry/exit road is almost complete.  The requirement for tree limbing height is 12 ft.

Volleyball pit needs more sand, WMC to procure.

Social paths still need attention.  Flower planting is complete for the season.

Repairs to the seawall at the Dollar House are outstanding, have been unable to find a contractor for the rock work.

Ordering a replacement for the damaged swim platform.

Will encourage owners to cleanup around their units, will have a 6 yd dumpster at the office that will be changed out weekly.  TTSD would not provide a cardboard dumpster.

Woodchip areas need work and replenishment, WMC to work.

Chinquapin Trail is clear and in good shape.

WMC will put up wind screens on the children’s play area and paint the fire hydrant bollards.

Insurance Committee  -  Anthony Miles
Continue to monitor the insurance market with the HOA’s brokers, no specifics to report at this time.

Alf Merriwaether, Unit #112 had a question on the replacement cost number for the HOA’s portion of the buildings.  The current $75 Million amount was reviewed by the association’s brokers and their underwriters as an appropriate amount.

Pool, Racquet and Bocce Committee  -  Chuck Lanham

Discussed change to single tennis and pool attendant with the same hours as the pier, 8 am to 8 pm.  WMC will implement.  Painting/staining of stairs, benches and trim in the pool and tennis office area is complete.  Barn door to the rec building storage area has been replaced and stained.

Courts 1 -3 resurface is currently scheduled for August 22nd, this was moved from late June to minimize conflict with summer court play.  Tahoe Fence is scheduled for  September or October for the tennis courts, pickle ball court and bocce ball court fence rehab project.

WMC will install the tennis court net on court #4 and the remaining wind screens.

12:05 pm  -  meeting temporarily adjourned by President Giacomi to go to executive session.

12:20 pm  -  meeting reconvened.

Treasurer’s Report  -  Annie Mitchell
As of July 15, 2022, we have $194,016.12 in Operating Fund and have $1,207,958 in Reserve Fund.  ($199,620 at Plumas and $1,008,338 at Schwab).

We paid 1 1/2x on insurance this month.  (As we did last month). And we are done w/the payments this year.

May Financial Statements were approved by the finance committee and I would like to make a motion to approve.

Motion to approve the May Financial Statement was approved unanimously.

Delinquencies.  We currently have 1 unit that is 90 days, very minor.  (It’s the new fees that they have not caught up with).  And no other delinquencies.

Reserve Study is in progress.  They’re coming out end of month and hoping to have a report prior to our budgeting.

Preparation for Budget: Mitch and I will be reviewing the line items to make it clearer so we remove extraneous items and add where necessary in hopes that this will make Nov process easier as well as w/McClintock.

General Manager’s Report  -  Mitch Packard
In addition to items previously reported:

Browning Reserve Group will have three people onsite for three days in late July to gather site specific data to complete the Reserve Study.

Been in contact with CalTrans regarding the dead and dying trees along their right of way on Hwy 28.  CalTrans will review.

WMC Report  -  Aidan Miles
In addition to items previously reported:

The pedestrian bridge over Dollar Creek needs repair to the top rail.  Will sand it down, fill in holes and then sand and paint in lieu of a complete replacement.

The front entry gate has had all mechanical repairs and controller updates completed and is working well.


12:54 pm  -  Meeting adjourned by President Giacomi.

Architectural Review Committee Meeting Dates

Members may submit their improvement projects for the meetings listed below. Please see the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Chinquapin Homeowners Checklist for Approval for pertinent information about ARC submittals.

All meetings are held at the Chinquapin Carriage House unless otherwise specified. Members will be able to call in to attend.

ARC meeting schedule

Friday, November 10th 2023 | 9:30 am 

Friday, January 19th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, March 22nd, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, May 24th, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, July 12th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, August 30th, 2024 | 9:30 am