Board Meeting Minutes

Chinquapin Homeowners Association

Saturday, November 11, 2023, 9:30 AM

Carriage House, Chinquapin

3600 North Lake Blvd - Tahoe City, CA 96145

Directors Present
Anne Mitchell, President
Terry Sarvas
Haley Packard
Steve Giacomi
Bruce Bayne

HOA Staff Present
Mitch Packard
Aidan Miles

Remote Attendees
Cris Wedekind #51
Alf Merriweather #112
Dave Nemeth #78
Scott Hagel - #94
Clint Harless - #44
Colene Crowley - #61
Lisa Kelley - #33
Chris Szakowski - #165
Mike Johnson - #153
George and Jill Pelton - #103
Jason Hart/Liccardo #118
Robin Kelly - #162
Marc Forbes - #11
Marvin Feinstein - #21
Maureen Thomspen - #92
Peter and Donna Blatman - #166
Barbara Becich - #98

  • Meeting came to order @ 0932 hrs.

  •  Approval of minutes of the September 2, 2023 meeting.

  • Opening remarks:

  • Anne: opened home-owner’s comments:

    •  Clint #44:  Proposed a recommendation to remove the fire insurance from the standard home owners’ dues, and to structure the fire insurance by square footage rather than the current same per unit due.  The rational is that the structural replacement cost would differ for 1-bedroom units with small decks from the large 4+bedrooms with multiple decks. Clint is happy to work with the BOD on this matter.

    • Robin: Thanked Clint for bringing this issue up. She stated that she feels it’s unfair for a one bedroom with 941 ft.² have to pay the same fees as a larger unit. This was set up 50 years ago. She feels that the value of the 1-bedroom unit is negatively impacted with the same dues to potential buyers.  Eight 1-bedroom unit building should be cheaper than a dual 5-bedroom building to replace.  It is a difficult issue to change dues/fire insurance fees. 

    • Perhaps unfair to change it now. There would be a need to replace not only unit buildings here in Chinquapin.

    • BOD needs to see if this debate can be considered. Concerned about starting a precedent with regards to the regular dues/splitting out amenities used, etc. (Other HOA don’t have the same amenities).

    • Other comments regarding insurance.  Should it be on a claimed made basis?

  • Other issues:

    • Peter:  Are there plans to replace the trees that have been cut down in advertently? It looks awful. Eight Aspen should not have been removed. Request to replace them with mature trees.

    • Anne: Duly noted and will get a professional landscaper out.

    • Robin: Last year there was a focus on cutting manzanita and not aspens, flowering shrubs like Lilac, etc.

    • Anne:  Duly noted.

  • Entered Rich Votaw, insurance agent for Chinquapin @ 1000hrs

    • Rich has been the insurance agent for Chinquapin for five years. He states that there is a collapse in the insurance market and that of the secondary insurance market. This is bad news for anyone that needs fire insurance particularly homeowner associations. In the past we had coverage for 125 million, last year we paired it down to 75 million. In addition, the HOA changed the CC&Rs to change insurance for the interiors to be paid by the homeowners. An audit showed that 90% of the units have coverage for the interior.

    • On Thursday, Rich got quotes back from the insurance companies as follows for:

      • $75 million of coverage. The premium went to 1.97M from 1.62M

      • $55M of coverage, the premium would be 1.55M

    • Anne:  That’s around a 30% increase for the same coverage when we were let to assume the same premium costs. Why?

    • Rich: due to collapsed insurance market. Very hard to predict what the costs and coverage will be offered. We are all at their mercy.  Last year only 18-20 insurance companies in the state.  Others HOAs like Chambers increased their premiums to 2.1M.  Other HOAs are either self-insuring, Fleur De Lac, while others are purposefully under insuring.  Northstar cannot sell a home without prior coverage.

    • Do individuals have the option to ‘close the gap’ for replacement costs to their buildings?  Not at this time.  That option is not available in this market.

    • Starting January of 2024, California Fair Plan will be made available to cover the first 20M of coverage, thus alleviating some of the pressure on this insurance market.

    • Land value at Chinquapin is much more value than its improvements.

    • Does the BOD have the authority to reduce coverage to 55M?

    • Do we need to change CC&Rs, or put to a membership vote?

    • Need an estimate of replacement costs for building exterior.

Treasurers Report For Board Meeting

  • As of November 11, 2023, we have:

    • $580,560 cash in Operating Fund at Bank of West

    • $1,160,565 in Reserve Fund.  Invested at a bit over 5% in CD’s.

    • We are currently within budget and operating under calendar cycle. We were over budget in snow removal and a few other categories.

    • Delinquencies:  only $42,889 past dues receivable

    • Financial Statements for August 31, 2023 and September 30, 2023 were approved by the Financial Committee. Motion to approve, approved.

Insurance Report: Cris Wedekind

  • Covered above

ARC committee: Haley Packard

  • #6 –Remodel approved

  • #148 approved under the condition that the exterior vents are painted to match the exterior and getting unit #147’s approval to expand the crawl space door.

  • #29 e-vehicle charger pending BOD looking at options in public spaces (Tahoe Tavern has a test case the BOD will look at)

  • #33 Hold approval on windows pending elevation drawings and exterior as built vs. exterior as proposed. The committee recommends considering a different window series that offers a two-panel option, if possible. The interior portion of the proposed remodel has been approved.

  • A/Cs all approved subject to noise levels.  (ARC/BOD to refine requirements)

Home Owners Relations:  Haley Packard

  • Need to revise Dollar House rental form, unclear on maintenance responsibility.

  • Bear break-in due to improper closing of door in Dollar House

  • Need to assess proper fee to cover expenses.

  • Redo HOA website to be more streamlined.

  • BOD to look at renewed fee assessment and frequency of rentals.

Building Committee:  Mitch Packard

  • Decks 124-125 replacement

  • Packard Office deck replaced with trial material, TimberTech (test case, more expensive initially, but much less maintenance)

  • Deck inspection in 2025 during fall for spring replacement (Units #33, 34, 35, 40, 50, 51?)

  • Roof #52 had low spot on roof making it subject to water leaks

  • Roof inspections can be carried out by contractor.  Jack of all Trades to perform inspections.

  • Roof line heat tape to be replaced as needed with commercial grade ones with heat sensors.

  • Need covered exterior grade electrical outlets for above upgrades.

  • Paint exteriors on #72-125.  Vertical exposures did not necessarily need repainting. Was done as needed. (Under budget!)

  • 1-bd units scheduled for next fall, HO’s will be notified.

Grounds Report: Terry Sarvas

  • Lots of thinning out of defensible space has been done. One spot next to the creek needs to be further inspected by TRPA.

  • No update on Spa, but there is money in the budget to look to update pool bathroom and a possible gym (need advice from expert to see what equipment can be installed)

  • Beach path cleared up by WMC any remaining water vehicles will be removed at HO expense. Hos have been advised and Haley will send yet another warning via email.

  • BOD/Building Committee/ Aidan to look at costs to install individual wireless fire alarms in each unit.

Pool/Tennis: Bruce Bayne

  • Need to generate a weatherproofing improvement list, there are issues that need to be addressed.

  • Saunas have shrunk therefore they need to be addressed, but need to wait until gym, pool bath issue has been addressed. Carl, Bruce, Aiden, and Haley to address.

  • Women’s pool shower has water leak that can be damaging to electrical circuits below. Needs to be addressed.

  • There has been a request for more pickleball courts.  Need to have a quote for middle court repair.

  • Need to look at removable portable net. Aidan to get quotes.

  • Tree next to pool needs to be addressed for removal, stump removal and refill. Haley to get quotes.

General Management: Mitch Packard

  • Mostly covered above


Budget Review:

  • 2024 2-bd need to be painted, changed to as needed to reduce the line item

  • Units 183-190 need to have total exterior painted

  • BOD can increase dues by 20% more than previous year before the need of an assessment, therefore the maximum dues increase for 2024 would be $5,958 without home owners approval.

  • Fire insurance was by far the most expensive line item as is very unpredictable.

Pier, buoy and beach:

  • To reduce the cost of beach bath cleaning, Aidan will add mechanical door closers to reduce debris from entering.

  • Anne: Motion to tentatively approve budget, pending approval from CHOA lawyer, maintenance and management contracts. Second and BOD passed.

General Meeting adjourned 1417hrs

Executive Session: started 1419 hrs

  • Personnel matters

Executive Session adjourned 1430hrs.

Architectural Review Committee Meeting Dates

Members may submit their improvement projects for the meetings listed below. Please see the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Chinquapin Homeowners Checklist for Approval for pertinent information about ARC submittals.

All meetings are held at the Chinquapin Carriage House unless otherwise specified. Members will be able to call in to attend.

ARC meeting schedule

Friday, November 10th 2023 | 9:30 am 

Friday, January 19th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, March 22nd, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, May 24th, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, July 12th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, August 30th, 2024 | 9:30 am