Board Meeting Minutes

Chinquapin Homeowners Association

Saturday, January 20th 2024, 2023, 9:30 AM

Chinquapin Rental Office, Chinquapin

3600 North Lake Blvd - Tahoe City, CA 96145

9:34am. Anne Mitchell called the meeting to order

Directors Present:

            -Anne Mitchell, President

            -Terry Sarvas

            -Haley Packard

            -Steve Giacomi

            -Bruce Bayne

            - Cris Wedekind (via Zoom)

HOA Staff Present:

            -Mitch Packard

            -Jimmy Jack

            -Amy Jack

HO Present:

            -Clint Harless #44


Remote Attendees:

Dave Nemeth #78

Colene Crowley - #61

Lisa Kelley - #33

Charlynn Harless - #44

Mark Forbes - #6

Mike Johnson - #153

Robin Kelly - #162

Peter Blatman - #166

Jenny Green - #167


Presidents Report

·         Unanimous approval of the minutes of the November 11, 2023 CHOA BOD meeting.

·         Motion to change the starting times of the BOD meeting to 8:30am.Motion approved

·         At this time there are no legal issues and no insurance claims.

·         Haley to make sure all HO’s are on the mailing list for the Presidents’ letter.

·         Welcomed Jimmy and Amy Jack as our new Maintenance contractor with excellent results.  There will be a new website to streamline.

·         Opened the floor to HO’s with the caveat that we will have a rich discussion regarding insurance that will be held close to the end of the meeting.


Open Session

·         Peter: Replanting of the mature trees. Not on schedule but on the list.

·         Dave: HO’s only entrance.  New signs are on order, eta post winter. Robin shared an issue with non-HO using property.

·         Clint: Last meeting asked for the BOD to examine a change of the due structure basis on a SF and not per unit basis. Annie said this will be discussed further during insurance discussion later.

Committee Reports:


Treasury Report, Steve:

We have $455,199 in our Operating account

                $614,930 in our reserve account

                $500,000 receivable from our reserve to operating account (to pay for insurance premium, to be paid back via budgeted dues)

Funds are invested at just over 5% interest.

*At year end we were 3% overbudget or $94,500 due to excess snow removal

*We were 26% under budget in our replacement account or $154,500 spent less (roofing Units 144-147 due, decking and Dollar House. Put off due to Covid)

*We have $44,032 in accounts receivables (dues)

*Need a motion to approve the financial statements of October 31, 2023, November 30, 2023, and December 31, 2023.  So approved.

-Issue presented regarding on time dues payments and the postal office, multiple addresses.  New CHOA website to have payment options available.  Haley to resend email regarding payment options.


ARC Committee, Haley:

Unit 133 proposing all glass replacement with like for like.

Unit 131 proposing skylights under HOA 6% roof coverage area.

Conditionally approved.

Last BOD meeting Unit 29 proposed an EV charger, postponed by BOD to further investigate. 

Davis-Stirling Act states that HOA cannot refuse EV charger proposals from HO.  BOD can put forth conditions needed for EV chargers.

Proposed conditions:

1.       ARC needs to have color/style/placement guidelines

2.       Electrical box needs to have sufficient power to facilitate charger

3.       Need ARC standards detailed

4.       Need installation by a licensed contractor

5.       Individual HO to pay the electrical bill, maintenance

6.       Need to assess fire issues/liability issues

7.       BOD to assess with HOA attorney/insurance broker for guidance.

8.       Jack of all trades needs to be involved with any trenching issues.

Robin: Issue with an individual HO charging with long cord going over walkways.  Known HO will be asked to stop practice.

Common area charger estimated at $10,000, individual HO may have a more economical course.

Motion to approve 131 and 133 projects approved.  Unit 29 pending attorney and insurance guidance.

New HOA website next few weeks and HO’s will need to change passwords.

BOD needs to find out how long to keep meeting and other documents and in what format, within Davis-Stirling guidelines. (5-7 years archive)

Anyone interested in taking over the 4th of July Activities?

Buildings Report, Carl:

-Mild winter so far.

-Jimmy found roof leaks on unit 120, possibly other of the same type of roof.

-Exposed roof beams need proper cap rails. (Carport units need them as well)

-Spa, to date there is $137,000 in pledges for a spa.  Well short of funding for the project. Contractor no longer in business.  BOD put a pause on this project.

-Ad hoc committee to look at pool/tennis baths repair and cosmetic upgrade. ARC/JOAT.

-Request for gym facilities, looking at tennis office as a spot for this.

-Pier boat repaired for all leaks, engine serviced.

Grounds Report, Terry:

-Minimal tree/grass issues due to winter.

-Didn’t get to several issues due to weather:


            -landscaping pending temperatures

            -issue on how close to get equipment to creek

-Open space mitigation, worked with CalTrans to remove dead trees.

-Issue, wait to take out pool tree until we have others to deal with and how to repair the thereafter hole.

Pool/Tennis Report, Bruce:

-Recommends 3 bathrooms at pool level, one male, one female and one family with changer.

-Recommends non-slip flooring.

-Recommends replacing big toy box with one or two Rubbermaid boxes for kid safety.

-Gym at tennis office

-Discussion of portable firepit

-Recommends to alternate days for pool sweep from deep end to shallow end. (perhaps extend hose).

-One sweep is out for repair.

-Lights around the pool gate suggested.

-Repair guardrail between pool and grass

-Redo courts 4&5

-Pool decking needs to redone when pool tree is removed.

Insurance Report, Cris:

-December and January insurance premium payments done.  February payment pending.

-We received some of the policies, others in place with paperwork pending.

-Our insurance broker on record, Rich Votaw, indicated that around the April time frame, premiums may stabilize.

-Annie stated, everyone is discouraged with this situation. Something needs to change. Received complaints from one and two bedroom units HO that it seems unfair that their portion of the insurance/dues are the same as the larger square footage (f2) homes. Hence Clints suggestion that the CCNRs be changed to reflect separation of insurance premiums from the dues and calculated the insurance premium per unit by its f2.

Steve mentioned Fleur du Lac has changed their CCNRs to reflect that up to 4-unit buildings can obtain their own insurance.  They have only 22 units in total, so much easier for them. So that each individual owner has obtain their own insurance.  If HO does not have insurance coverage, the HOA will obtain insurance and charge the HO.

We could follow their insurance coverage policy by, each HO up to 4 units per building, obtain their own coverage.  Then those with more than 4 units, the HOA would obtain the insurance and divide the cost to those evenly.  Everyone must provide proof of coverage, otherwise HOA would provide and charge that HO. Common area insurance would be divided by all on a per unit basis.

-Look at increasing deductible to reduce premium, currently at $100,000.

-Increasing the deductible would have minimal effect to the premium.

-Concern regarding how claims would be handled if we all had different insurance companies.  Which insurance company will pay for what?  That is a challenge and would probably be treated the same as an automobile accident.

- The simple solution would be to keep current coverage but divide the premium by f2 instead of the current per unit basis.

- Fleur du Lac reduced their combined insurance premium. It is a painful process but cost effective.  Votaw was their agent before. There are different insurance companies in effect.

- California Fair Plan, (that covers up to the $20M), is now available for HOAs.

- Since we have a rather large association, some of the premium can go towards increasing the reserve in an effort to start self-insuring.

-Should get an insurance committee together to have HO a say in trying to get costs down

-Have the insurance committee take a look at all the options and see what their associated costs would be.  Add people who know insurance to the committee. 

- HO that have mortgages to make sure they have adequate insurance coverage acceptable to their mortgage carrier.

- Should get our attorney Kyle involved to get the legal aspects of any change.

Anne: Should add the following to the committee:

-Bob Nielson, Chuck Lanham, Mitch Packard, Anne Mitchell, Cris Wedekind, CHOA attorney.

Anne: Need to look at CCNRs changes and how.  Needs to be specific. Before we do anything, the board needs to vote on changing the CCNRs.

Anne: Would like to have insurance committee come back with information at our March HOA meeting.

Cris: Votaw stated he will be doing an audit of all the HO insurance.

Anne: Hold on with the CCNR changes until insurance committee has time to research options.

- We should look at increasing our reserves allocated to claims so as to not get removed from carriers or increase premiums for relatively small claims.


Packard Management and Jack of all Trades Report: Mitch and Jimmy:

Most of the report items have been covered earlier in this meeting.

-Unit 23 repaired roof

-Units 124-27 budgeted and will be done as needed

-Any interior/exterior maintenance issues should go through Jimmy first

-Any Grounds related issues goes through Alex, who is now Grounds Manager

-Ordered door hangers to show that maintenance crew is/was in unit

-Boats and buoys will be covered in March meeting

-Call office first to be directed to the right person for assistance until Jack of all Trades has their website set up.

-Bobcat to be used for snow removal.  Work safer and smarter

-Form a small committee to address and streamline issues with Carriage House.

-Any remodeling will attempt to keep the charm of this home.

-Many kudos to Jimmy and Amy!


Anne: Meeting adjourned at 12:02pm


Next BOD CHOA Meeting March 23, 2024, 8:30am

Architectural Review Committee Meeting Dates

Members may submit their improvement projects for the meetings listed below. Please see the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Chinquapin Homeowners Checklist for Approval for pertinent information about ARC submittals.

All meetings are held at the Chinquapin Carriage House unless otherwise specified. Members will be able to call in to attend.

ARC meeting schedule

Friday, November 10th 2023 | 9:30 am 

Friday, January 19th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, March 22nd, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, May 24th, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, July 12th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, August 30th, 2024 | 9:30 am