Board Meeting Minutes

Chinquapin Homeowners Association

Saturday, March 18, 2023, 9:30AM

Carriage House, Chinquapin

3600 North Lake Blvd - Tahoe City, CA 96145

Directors Present
Steve Giacomi, President
Terry Sarvas, Vice President
Chuck Lanham, Treasurer
Annie Mitchell, Secretary
Haley Packard
Carl Bertelsen

Staff Present
Mitch Packard

Homeowners Present
Dave Nemeth #78
George Pelton #103
Robin Kelly #162

  1. President Giacomi called the meeting to order at 9:33 am

  2. Open Session –

    • Concern about snow loads. Will address during building session.

    • Dave Nemuth concerned about security/guests. Will be addressed in Homeowner Relations session.

  3. Presidents Report

    • Anthony Miles passed away. He was dedicated board member for years and longtime Chinquapin homeowner. Board will be sending flowers to Landra.

    • Thanks to all for their patience during the snow. Discussion about our own equipment is still in conversation and will be fine-tuned.

    • Elections will be coming up again this summer and encouraging HOs to run. Anthony’s term will be filled by someone that the board appoints.

  4. Motion to approve the minutes of the 1/21/23 were approved unanimously. (Please make sure the date is changed from 1/21/22 to 1/21/23)

  5. Committee and Staff Reports

    • Treasurer’s Report - Chuck Lanham

      • As of March 2023 we have:

        • $121,696.74 cash in the Operating Fund ($80,139.10 at Plumas Bank and $41,557.64 at Bank of the West).

        • $1.163M in the Reserve Fund ($1,015,905.66 at Schwab and $147,475.43 at Plumas Bank).

      • Need to close out Bank of the West. Move to Plumas.

      • Due to timeline because of insurance increase and dues assessment not starting until Q2, we were 50K short. Mitch Packard offered 50K loan for 3 month and no interest.

      • Motion to Approve a 50K loan from Mitch Packard passed unanimously.

      • We are currently within budget and operating under calendar except for Snow Removal.

      • Delinquencies:  1 owner greater than 90 days

      • Financial Statements for December and January were approved by the Financial Committee. Motion to approve passed unanimously. 

      • Motion to update Schwab account to reflect current Board positions: to add Chuck Lanham, Treasurer and remove Charles Quaglieri passed unanimously.

      • Reserve Study: Would like to incorporate into budget planning in November. Chuck Lanham and Mitch Packard plan to sit down with Browning to go through the study and see where we can modify any budget lines.

    • Insurance Committee –/Chuck Lanham

      • Spoke with Andy from Insurance to discuss current state.

      • 16 carriers on our account.

      • Discussion about lowering 75M down to 55M. Would that help our insurance costs? This would require HOs to cover themselves.  Discussion will happen this summer.  We need to look at all options and think out of the box on our insurance policies and present to the association.

      • FireWise: working on environmental review to treat hillside.

    • Architectural Review/Homeowner Relations - Haley Packard

      • Meeting yesterday to review contractor guidelines and proposed new guidelines.

        No submissions to ARC.

        Dollar House working with Interior Designer and ordered new furniture with goal for refresh by Memorial Day Weekend.

        4th of July party secured with vendors. Looking for HO’s to lead the 4th of July party.

        Working on Newsletter for Spring.

        Looking at Friday Happy hours again this summer, but may move to a Wednesday as Dollar House has multiple weddings this summer.

    • Building Committee and Special Projects– Carl Bertelsen

      • Mitch/Carl walked the property to evaluate roofs and note any flexing in beams.

      • Greatest concern were flat roofs and 72-74

      • Unit 84 and 85 had an ice dam causing issues in the units

      • Engineer will be coming out to evaluate and will determine which units need to have snow roof removal.

      • In addition, WMC realty will check on each unit to see if there is any leaking.

      • Water Shut off valves should be put on annual evaluation.

      • Spa Update: Meeting with TRPA in May to discuss tree situation in the Pool area.  Depending on that result, will reach out to HO for voluntary funding.

    • Grounds Committee - Terry Sarvas

      • Management contract and maintenance contract in the works, just need to be signed.

      • State Lands Lease is now 10-year deal.

      • Buoy assignments will be done the same as in past. Will spread buoy field as best we can to return to original layout.

      • Buoy costs: Motion to keep buoy cost at $1200 for owner and $100 daily, $500 weekly and $2000 monthly for renters passed unanimously.

      • Asphalt work: timing of the work will be determined so we can get on the calendar.

      • Brush clearing will continue behind car port units to create defensible space

      • Beach Path erosion. Anticipate erosion need to begin erosion mitigation efforts as soon as possible.

      • Snow Removal. Likely very much over budget.

      • Swim Line: Asked WMC to get costs on swim line given increase of water level.

      • Speed Bumps: Two new speed bumps were budgeted. (by office and east side of Car Port row). Decided to install one south of the office and install a stop sign in lieu of the second speed bump.

      • Lift Station: we need replacing in next few years and reaching out to Engineer Tim Farrell to get started with intent to execute next year.

      • Generators: Discussion about generators on property for full-time residents. Is it necessary?  A homeowner will put forth a request to ARC.

    • Pool and Tennis Committee—Annie Mitchell

      • Requested that fencing gets done as soon as possible. Aidan will contact them.

      • Will talk with Donny about plan for summer. Would like to have more social events if possible.

      • Address the area above the pool but need to wait until snow removal.

      • Suggestion on Bocce tournament on 4th

      • Shuffleboard court will be in place on summer.

      • Looking at removing Chlorinator to lessen cost of EcoLab.

      • Discussion on Coffee maker and library in the club house.

      • Discussion of adding fire pit in patio area of tennis patio. Will be asked for in next year’s budget.

      • Will ask WMC about personnel for pool and tennis.

  6. General Manager & WMC Reports – Mitch Packard

    • Security issues:

      • 4th of July. Sign at entrance “Private property, HO only” (Language TBD) and Dollar Point Path.

      • 2 security companies being researched to be hired for 4th of July. One security person at entrance and one wandering the property.

      • Trial run with wristbands during the holiday. (Memorial Day and 4th On July)

      • Gate Code changes. Discussion on how best to manage the code situation.  Recommendation will be brought to next meeting.

      • Adding security locks at pool and bathroom.

      • Adding security camera at Dollar House to monitor people coming onto property.

      • Contractors Codes: WMC and Packard monitor the codes and they limit the hours they work.

  7. Adjournment - President Giacomi adjourned the meeting at 11: 53 am

Architectural Review Committee Meeting Dates

Members may submit their improvement projects for the meetings listed below. Please see the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Chinquapin Homeowners Checklist for Approval for pertinent information about ARC submittals.

All meetings are held at the Chinquapin Carriage House unless otherwise specified. Members will be able to call in to attend.

ARC meeting schedule

Friday, November 10th 2023 | 9:30 am 

Friday, January 19th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, March 22nd, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, May 24th, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, July 12th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, August 30th, 2024 | 9:30 am