Board Meeting Minutes
Chinquapin Homeowners Association
Saturday, May 27, 2023, 9:30AM
Carriage House, Chinquapin
3600 North Lake Blvd - Tahoe City, CA 96145
Directors Present
Steve Giacomi, President
Terry Sarvas, Vice President
Chuck Lanham, Treasurer
Annie Mitchell, Secretary (via zoom)
Haley Packard
Carl Bertelsen
Bruce Bayne
Staff Present
Mitch Packard
Aidan Miles
Homeowners Present
Ron Stockman #168
Jim and Nicola Hemerling #127
Steve Zuckerman #38
Gayle Vial #147
Victoria Lawrence #20
Chris Wedekind #51
Sandra Carter #150
Michael Johnson #153
Bill Moyes #128
Sheldon Crandall #43
Robin Kelly #162
Dave Nemeth #78
Judy Fredericksen #62
Larry Olin #47
Jodylee Meenaghan #72
Barbara Becich #98
President Giacomi called the meeting to order at 9:33 am
Open Session –
Steve Zuckerman requested an open spot in Chinquapin where dogs could roam off leash. Robin Kelly suggested the space behind units 1-4. The grounds committee is going to explore options.
Dave Nemeth wants update on crowd control. Mitch has bid from security company for 2 officers on July 3rd and 4th for $2000. Also exploring wrist bands for security. Will redo stickers for Homeowners.
Gayle Vial would like to discuss the drainage situation. Unit has water constantly in front of her place. Unit #147. Aidan Miles will explore putting a culvert in to capture the excess water and will call Tim Longo to get his opinion.
Presidents Report
Board Vacancy due to Anthony Miles passing. Board has nominated Bruce Bayne to serve on board to fulfill that term. Motion to approve passed unanimously.
Elections are coming up and request for nominations need to be sent to office by June 7.
Motion to approve the minutes of the 1/21/23 were approved unanimously.
Committee and Staff Reports
Treasurer’s Report - Chuck Lanham
As of May 2023 we have:
$362,864.13 cash in the Operating Fund
$1.249M in the Reserve Fund ($1,018,979.11 at Schwab and $230,808.75 at Plumas Bank).
Short term loan from Packard Realty has been repaid.
We are currently within budget and operating under calendar cycle except for Snow Removal and Fees and Licenses.
Delinquencies: 3 owners greater than 90 days
Financial Statements for February were approved by the Financial Committee. Motion to approve passed unanimously.
Insurance Committee –/Chuck Lanham
No new information
2 individual insurance claims are in process due to leaks. They are not against the HOA policy.
Ongoing work with Firewise to get a grant.
Architectural Review/Homeowner Relations - Haley Packard
#186 fast track item was approved for Front Door
#62 wants to gut their unit and build staircase.
Finalizing Architecture guidelines main points:
No construction between 6/15-9/1
Not construction should be longer than 2 years.
Motion for to approve all of above passed unanimously.
All set for 4th of July party. We are doing BYOB this year. Will explore the pricing to see if we can lower.
Dollar House remodel is 99% done.
Dollar House is almost fully booked throughout the summer.
“Happy hour” dates will be thrown out to the Homeowners to see who wants to host.
Building Committee and Special Projects– Carl Bertelsen
Unit 98 leaked and HO was informed that Rich Votaw is the HOA agent as well as her individual agent. Votaw advised HO to turn this over to her H06 policy.
Decision to inspect the roofs and heat tapes this summer due to the heavy snow this year. In addition, we will blow debris off roofs.
Chimney inspection was done and no major issues.
Identified exposed beams during one of the snow inspections and will walk the property to examine the entire property for exposed beams.
Spa Project: identified the tree in pool area that will be removed. Next step will be to solicit funds from members likely through GoFundMe site.
Deck Repairs: #161 and #162 are priority and need to get started ASAP. Next phase will be #160 stairway. #125 is replacing deck boards. #81 and #82 boards need to be replaced. #147 would like to have stairs addressed. Discussion of materials ensued and will look at several options.
Grounds Committee - Terry Sarvas
No paving has been done because of snow.
Beach path is in good shape, but areas need to be sealed. And a few areas of erosion need to be addressed.
Flowers: we’re waiting for planting because of the frost.
Walking lights need to be fixed.
Property is still quite messy from the intense winter and advised Aidan to be on property regularly to give direction to crew.
Buoy assignments are being made. We have at least 80 reservations.
Kayak racks are out.
Swim rafts will be put out shortly.
Beach Furniture needs to be purchased.
Need firmer policy to remove equipment at end of the season.
Pool and Tennis Committee—Annie Mitchell
Donny has great plan for summer and events are planned. Packard Realty will be putting up flyers.
Recommend one person/two shifts. Aidan agreed to this set up
Ordering new paddles recommended by Pro. Aidan will order.
Fences 2 and 3 are done. 1 will be done this week.
Windscreens will be put on this week.
Retaining wall---needs to be addressed. Aidan will explore options.
Grassy area above pool: Aidan will get bid on turf on the above pool area.
Bocce area needs more sand and umbrellas will be out shortly.
General Manager & WMC Reports – Mitch Packard
Security: putting signs up at the top of the hill that state “Private property, no trespassing”. Also putting sign on the nature trail leading from Dollar Point.
Discussion of snowplow: Aidan is going to see if we can repair our current one. If not, we will explore options for purchase.
Roundabout: trying to determine how to expand roundabout for safety reasons. The goal is to expand so a fire truck can turn around.
Adjournment - President Giacomi adjourned the meeting at 2:54 am
Architectural Review Committee Meeting Dates
Members may submit their improvement projects for the meetings listed below. Please see the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Chinquapin Homeowners Checklist for Approval for pertinent information about ARC submittals.
All meetings are held at the Chinquapin Carriage House unless otherwise specified. Members will be able to call in to attend.
ARC meeting schedule
Friday, November 10th 2023 | 9:30 am
Friday, January 19th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, March 22nd, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, May 24th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, July 12th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, August 30th, 2024 | 9:30 am