Board Meeting Minutes
Chinquapin Homeowners Association
Saturday, September 2, 2023, 9:30AM
Carriage House, Chinquapin
3600 North Lake Blvd - Tahoe City, CA 96145
Directors Present
Steve Giacomi, President
Terry Sarvas, Vice President
Annie Mitchell, Secretary
Haley Packard
Carl Bertelsen
Bruce Bayne (via zoom)
Staff Present
Mitch Packard
Aidan Miles
Homeowners Present and on zoom
Dave Henneghan #7
Alf Meriweather #112
Alison and Lindsey Whitlock #129 #53
Norm Thomsen #49
Robin Kelly #162
Dave Nemeth #78
Barbara Becich #98
Chris Wedekind #51
Kerri and Ed Taylor #154
Colene Crowley #61
President Giacomi called the meeting to order at 9:30 am
Open Session –
Alf Meriweather: Concern that the spa project will raise budget. Survey should not hold accountable the true feeling. Concerned about cost needed for reserves so why are we funding spa. Believes HOA should give full information w/insurance and reserves before funding the spa and requesting donations from the spa. Would like a full picture of finances before asking for donation. Board reiterated that no funds have been spent on the spa.
Homeowners would like another vote when we have more information.
Robin Kelly concerned about safety around the spa during winter and who will lock it.
Robin Kelly would like to ensure that we spend on a new snowplow to ensure safety.
Norm Thompson officially thanked the Packards and Aidan Miles for his help during his crisis during a water break in his unit.
Lights not on in night on the dock where not working. Safety issue. Will consider a nav light on the dock.
Need to make sure that during July holidays before 4th a July holiday we have extra garbage pick-up.
Pier Attendant: need to make sure hours are clearly posted. Recommendation to send an email blast during week of events.
Dave Nemuth. Concern about too much activity at the Dollar House. Board plans to review this and come up with new guidelines and forms.
Alf Meriweather: would like analysis of insurance options. Mitch will get the analysis.
Dave Heneghan wanted information on spraying. We do ant spray annually and we will be inspecting all roofs this year.
Presidents Report
Ballot Counting session occurred on Sept 1. 4 Directors were re-elected: Terry Sarvas, Haley Packard, Steve Giacomi, and Annie Mitchell
Annual Meeting minutes from 2022 were approved.
Chuck Lanham from the board has resigned and we will nominate a new board member in coming weeks.
Motion to approve the minutes of the 7/15/23 were approved unanimously.
Committee and Staff Reports
Treasurer’s Report – Steve Giacomi
As of 2023, we have $352,456 in our operating account and $1,188,622 in our reserve account.
We are currently within budget and operating under calendar cycle except for Snow Removal.
Delinquencies: 30K in receivables
Financial Statements for June and July were approved by the Financial Committee. Motion to approve passed unanimously.
Insurance Committee – Steve Giacomi
Shared insurance information that Fleur De Lacs set up. They lessened premiums and had individuals raise their HO6.
We are exploring all options. If we customize it, we will have to change CCRs and get a vote.
California Fair plan will not work at a place like Chinquapin.
Architectural Review/Homeowner Relations – Haley Packard
#1 – Window and slider replacement was approved.
#62 – Front door style approved; etched glass not approved.
#62 – Window Replacement approved, but black trim not approved. Must match black walnut/dark bronze outlined in our guidelines.
#134 – Approved skylight addition and window replacement
#56, #90, #131 Air Conditioning Proposal: conditional approval subject to owner's signing an ARC letter regarding A/C specifics and getting more information from the owners and their contractors about screening choices.
Motion to approve above passed unanimously.
Dollar House: need to revisit forms and costs and tighten up rules of renting.
Building Committee and Special Projects– Carl Bertelsen
Painting done every 6 years.
Roofs: Angled roofs every 30 years. Flat roofs are 15 years.
Water damage repair in #98 almost complete.
Working to get roof inspector ASAP. Need to blow needles on some of the roofs (biannual project)
Fall painting is scheduled for units 121-130 and carport units.
Final Spa project. Currently have 140k pledged. Ideally would like 250K-300K. Consistent question on maintenance cost is dependent on quality filtration system. If we can’t do with quality equipment, we won’t do it.
Deck Inspections are this fall and next spring.
Grounds Committee – Terry Sarvas
Trees: have final plan. Added far northwest corner to get cleared out. More dead trees will be removed. We are within budget. Scheduled end of this month.
Cal Trans is removing trees in Sept by roadside.
Paving, Sealing and Striping starting this week.
Buoy blocks: 5 blocks to be replaced.
Pier repairs will be ongoing.
Volleyball sand: drop more sand this fall.
Beach Path shoring needs to get done to prevent erosion.
Fire Access for trucks down by Dollar House is a fall project to ensure that trucks can turnaround.
Lift stations will be fixed this fall.
Pool and Tennis Committee – Annie Mitchell
Shuffleboard is here, but no equipment.
New umbrellas arrived.
Court Washing: Wed and Thursday. Confirmed by Aidan
Lots of activities on both tennis and pickleball this season.
Pool being cleaned daily. Pool will be shut Oct 1.
Create a committee from ARC, Pool and Tennis, Buildings to explore potential building ideas to have a discussion about thoughts (Dave Heneghan volunteered to be on committee)
General Manager & WMC Reports – Mitch Packard/Aidan Miles
Water will be shut off on 9/11 water for all day off.
Fire Tarps will go into all units that have wood.
Adjournment - President Giacomi adjourned the meeting at 11:52 am
Architectural Review Committee Meeting Dates
Members may submit their improvement projects for the meetings listed below. Please see the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Chinquapin Homeowners Checklist for Approval for pertinent information about ARC submittals.
All meetings are held at the Chinquapin Carriage House unless otherwise specified. Members will be able to call in to attend.
ARC meeting schedule
Friday, November 10th 2023 | 9:30 am
Friday, January 19th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, March 22nd, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, May 24th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, July 12th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, August 30th, 2024 | 9:30 am