President’s Letter
October 2023
Dear Neighbors,
It’s hard to believe it’s already October. I hope you all had a wonderful summer. It was nice to see some of you at the Annual Meeting. I thought I would recap some of the highlights as I know many of you missed the meeting as the weather was less than ideal. The draft minutes should be posted soon and the election results are as follows: Cris Wedekind (new board member) will be Secretary, Steve Giacomi will be Treasurer, Carl Bertelsen will be Vice-President and I will be your President.
We also finalized the committee chairs. Three board members will remain on their posts: Haley Packard (ARC), Carl Bertelsen (Buildings) and Terry Sarvas (Grounds). Cris Wedekind will now be in charge of Insurance, Steve Giacomi will head the the Finance Committee and Bruce Bayne will be in charge of Pool and Tennis.
For those of you who have been on the property, you have probably seen all the work that has been going on! The roofs were inspected and any issues (very minor) that were identified are being addressed. The debris removal, gutter & drain cleaning, & heat tapes will be done later this Fall. We are currently painting and staining, as needed, on carport row and between units 121-135. And most importantly, we have continued our forestry project, clearing quite a bit of ground. Dead tree removal has mainly been behind carport row, between the office and carport row, around the tri-level units, and around Chinquapin Creek in Phase I. In addition, there has been overall bush and tree trimming throughout the property to increase defensible space. Thanks to Mitch Packard and WMC for managing the process. We are doing the best we can to prepare for what mother nature throws our way!
Speaking of getting ready for winter, our beautiful bears seem to be doing the same! So please be bear aware and secure garbage and don’t leave food in your cars.
We’re still awaiting news about our insurance and of course will keep all posted. We’ll have our annual budget review at our next board meeting on November 11. And as I said at the annual meeting, I encourage you to call in to our board meetings. It’s a great way to learn about the property and all the very hard work it takes to make Chinquapin beautiful.
This is a lovely time of year in Tahoe. The trees are beautiful and the lake is like glass. May you all enjoy your Fall season.
I look forward to working with you to continue to preserve our beautiful property.
Yours truly,
Annie Mitchell