Board Meeting Minutes
Chinquapin Homeowners Association
Saturday, May 25th 2024, 2024, 8:30 AM
Dollar House, Chinquapin
3600 North Lake Blvd - Tahoe City, CA 96145
8:33 - Call to Order and Welcoming Remarks-Anne Mitchell
Board members present: Anne Mitchell, Steve Giacomi, Carl Bertelsen,
Terry Sarvas, Cris Wedekind
On Zoom: Bruce Bayne
HO present: Robin Kelley 162, Tom Popek 123, Bridgette Benham 61, Teresa Giovanzana 74,
HO on Zoom: Ed Taylor 184, Collen Crowley 61, Dave Nemeth 78
Mitch and Haley Packard, Jimmy and Amy Jack
Approval of the minutes of the March 23, 2024 CHOA meeting
President’s Report – Anne Mitchell
Welcome Dana to the board and on ACR committee!
There will be 3 Board openings, Application and Bio due in June
Dollar house reservations-Haley will manage
Pool open delay due to chemical regulation
New web site up-thanks to Haley Packard
This is a transition year with new maintenance management, requesting everyone have patience.
Please remember to Leash dogs
HO Open session:
Robin Kelly trespassers, need signage
Change gate codes. Are we considering it?
Dave 78: call sheriff department to enforce private property, Mitch to check with Placer what else needs to be on signage
Tom Popeck gate code to be purged, ins costs ½ budget something needs to be done
Dave 7, potted plants under budget in by June 7th, watering duties?
Robin Kelly, trees need watering
Committee and Staff Reports
Treasurer’s Report-Steve Giacomi
$459k operating account, $592k reserve (in CDs @5.3%), in budget except sewer, snow, roofing 114 unit tree issue
$22,072 account receivable.
Approved of financials
Insurance Report- Cris Wedekind
Our brokers and HO insurance brokers agree that more companies are coming back to California, giving way to more competition, but unknown when premiums will come down.
Can’t ask for quotes until 3 months before current policy ends, mid-August.
Looking at separating out wire-fire coverage to reduce premiums
CHOA Wild Fire score is high due to area, 88 out of 100.
Smoke damage is the major loss impact
Architectural Review Committee - Haley Packard
Review and approval of any ARC meeting items
No new submission, 33 new front door, new pavers 11, 12
179 remodel no structural
Home owner – new website, calling for volunteers for 4th.
HO Fridays at dollar house? Haley will look at potential dates
Building Committee – Carl Bertelsen
Roofs major leeks 124-127, 114 fallen tree, lake at Haleys unit
Painting selective painting, great quality of prep work 147-179
Dollar house, bear front door, new doors with less windows, solid look at several options, 3 pt lock, steel, bear pad
New furnace!!
Chimney inspections, no great issues 50% wood vs gas
Follow up items, upgrading sub panels, water shut offs, Zinco panels to GE (good) 6-7 panels to be redone, multi panel entrance wont ship out until 2025. Phase 1 bldgs. are affected
Tom Popek 121-123- was stained but trim not painted
Yellow jackets in homes? Paragon to look at that
Grounds Committee – Terry Sarvas
April archeological survey for grant for defensible space $300k
Dollar Hill homes can take down trees at their own expense
Creek tree take out
Asphalt walk-thru, bid back, start on Tuesday! (under bid)
Peter Blackman,
Buoy boat got redone
Beach path some asphalt in fall
2 more kayak racks coming in
Buoy field, new blocks ~20, North Sierra to send new buoy map to show weight limits.
Reminder that there is an away from shore wake area. Look at moving 5MPH out farther.
Look at Rope off swimming area with kayak accessible area.
Trails new signs, possible chain link fence?
Trees a list is done
Pool and Tennis Committee – Bruce Bayne
Tennis, all windshields up
Pickleball done
Pool tree removed now need pavers to cover up area
Ping-pong table migrates, create a concrete ($3-4k) area to prevent migration or perhaps move to grassy area
Chemical vendor with pool opening with proper chemicals
Donny coming in June to coordinate with Amy
New 5-gallon water for each court
Bocce court issue to be addressed
Gym awaiting due to budget, get commitments
General Manager & Jack-of-all-Trades Reports – Mitch Packard
General Update
Amy & Jimmy getting a lot done
Re-roof need repairs ~$20k
Footings concrete repair
Cleaning of common areas, bathrooms
Staff recreation will be in white golf shirts with name tags, black bottoms
Hired 4 pier attendants, all staff to have CA boat course and lic.
2 tennis and pool attendants
Tipping of staff, immediate or end of season?
Fire extinguishers re cert.
Repair of stairs 155 and 160
Pier lights ready to be done
Reviewing bumpers on pier
Dollar house
Change out hot water freezer with tankless
Re look at new stove due to unsafe current one.
Window coverings to be all the same
Re-org butler’s pantry
Tons of clean up and on top of repairs
Email both Amy/Jimmy and Mitch with issues
Pier and pool attendant will be crossed trained and on CPR and AED, to cover illnesses,
10:58am Adjurned.
Architectural Review Committee Meeting Dates
Members may submit their improvement projects for the meetings listed below. Please see the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Chinquapin Homeowners Checklist for Approval for pertinent information about ARC submittals.
All meetings are held at the Chinquapin Carriage House unless otherwise specified. Members will be able to call in to attend.
ARC meeting schedule
Friday, November 10th 2023 | 9:30 am
Friday, January 19th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, March 22nd, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, May 24th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, July 12th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, August 30th, 2024 | 9:30 am