Board Meeting Minutes

Chinquapin Homeowners Association

Saturday, July 13th 2024, 2024, 8:30 AM

Dollar House, Chinquapin

3600 North Lake Blvd - Tahoe City, CA 96145


I.            8:30 - Call to Order and Welcoming Remarks-Anne Mitchell

·         Called to order at 8:32 am

·         BOD present: Anne Mitchell, Terry Sarvas, Cris Wedekind, Bruce Bayne, Via Zoom: Steve Giacomi, Dana Stalder, Carl Bertelsen

·         HO’s present: Robin Kelly 162, Barbara 98, Jeff 12, Via Zoom: Lisa Kelly 33, Dave Nemeth 78, Carol , Jerry , Ralph 108,

·         Staff Present: Mitch and Haley Packard, Jimmy and Amy Jack

o   Elections, ballots will be sent out late August

o   4th went great thanks to Mitch, Jimmy, Amy, Haley, and Sandra

o   Sent note about gate codes

o   Sandra will send out letter for volunteers on the 4th


II.          Approval of the minutes of the May 25, 2024 CHOA meeting

·         Emailed to be approved post meeting

III.        Open Session – Homeowners 

·         Teresa: Roof inspected back in May 3 old patches on roof water in Master and bath. Submitted back in late June, what is the status Jimmy and Amy: a few leaks from skylight 9600 to fix awaiting CHOA approval. This week the CHOA will see all bids.

·         4th extra trash bids not present. Let people know that they are responsible for their own trash

·         Barb: Another roof needs to be addressed

·         Dave Nemeth: No trespassing sign?  It’s up!

·         Robin: reiterate the sign is needed.  New signs on trail.

Crew of nine guys on scooters


IV.        President’s Report – Anne Mitchell

·         See above


V.          Committee and Staff Reports

o    Treasurer’s Report-Steve Giacomi

o    $495,823 operating accounts

o    $644,000 replacement accounts (are in 5.3% CD’s)

o    Replacement account is owed $325k from advance insurance premium payment

o    Spent 73% of replacement, over budget on roof, common wall, sewer pump

o    Due rec. $8,500

o    Motion to approve May 31, 2024 and June 30, 2024

o    So approved

o    Perhaps assessment for 25% down payment of insurance for next year?

o    Insurance Report- Cris Wedekind

o    Spoke to 4 brokers

o    All seem to think that there will be favorable change in rates

o    CHOA needs to work on creating a favorable marketing plan that shows real efforts to mitigating the liabilities we can. Such as:

o    Firewise and defensible space work

o    Having a fire extinguisher on every deck that has a grill.

o    Having the grill positioned away from wall

o    Every little bit helps us reduce our rates

o    Architectural Review Committee - Haley Packard

o    Review and approval of any ARC meeting items

o    No ARC meeting yesterday

o    Relation committee 400 people 4th

o    Dollar house Fridays, July 19, 26, August 16, 23 open (conflict with Pool/tennis July 26) Haley to send email

o    Building Committee – Carl Bertelsen

o    Deck 33, 34, 35?(poor repair) extensive repair needed

o    Slow leak 24

o    Need to address reserves

o    Lower pool level bath is a mess, needs to be addressed

o    Assess decks that need repair, prioritize

o    150k for decks, stairs and walkway available in budget

o   Grounds Committee – Terry Sarvas

o   Speed bumps--2 new ones installed,

o   Tri-level tree/brush defensible space thinning planned for the fall

o   2 aspens, 2 maples and a bush planted at 166 as requested by owner


o   Defensible space still ongoing, creek area, goal is to get rid of fire fuel, natural light let in now so that area to get natural grass growth

o   Bear in distress by exit road

o   Pier lighting on Dollar House pier, all equipment here

o   Asphalt repairs on going

o   Tree stumps to be removed asap

o   Pier amenities are awesome

o   Row boat with e-motor now in use for busy days at pier

o   Beach path new pavement WIP (work-in-progress)

o   Railings on steep areas for beach path Perhaps a mid-level rail

o   Kayak racks filling up fast

o   Put no trespass signs up on nature trail, perhaps put a fence/camera.

o   Sign on up the hill by roadway no trespass

o   Pull 5mph buoys out further, add more perhaps

o   All buoys, chains and blocks repaired

o   Life guard chair? In maintenance hut, assemble soon

o   Rope or ladders for floats, will replace


o   Pool and Tennis Committee – Bruce Bayne

▪   Applaud those helped beautiful areas

▪   Deferred maintenance pickleball court

▪   Tree removal exquisite, complements

▪   Tile needs replacement around pool

▪   Budget next year for new baths in pool area

▪   Hot tub, need to get insurance in line first


VII.      General Manager & Jack-of-all-Trades Reports – Mitch Packard  

o   General Update

o   Amy:

▪   Pool opening pH # perfect! Eco labs 1-2 a week

▪   Rough surface of pool, pH imbalance due poor maintenance

▪   Sand Filtration redo in winter

▪   County inspection good, daily chem log book, keep closed signs up, emergency #, pool hook, skimmer old and bottom pool cover need change. WIP

▪   Pool side bath very slick, added mat

▪   Racket sport, shuffle board pucks out

▪   Rules bocce ball added

▪   Promote Tahoe Tennis, suggest different vacation time

▪   Pickle ball needs resurfacing, decomposed granite?

▪   Make last court permanent

▪   Bathrooms spruced up, needs more

▪   Added non-skid matt to mitigate falls

▪   Swim buoy, $500@ add for next year

▪   Repaired pool heater

▪   Men’s sauna not working, put pan underneath

▪   Playground to pool gate needs auto lock above kids reach

▪   Added pickleball equipment for use, replace at end of check out time

o   Jimmy:

▪   33-34 approval needed, 50, 35 also

▪   187 owns lumber yard and wants the CHOA to pay for labor only

▪   31 deck

▪   Roofs, 44, 122, 74, 40 leaks

▪   Patios on 11, 12 next week 13 patio WIP

▪   Tree stumps to be removed by 114

▪   Water view clearing up

▪   Trees impeding walkway is ok’d by TRPA

▪   Sewer pump installation next week by Friday

▪   Inspection schedule, prioritize both decks/roofs

▪   Use different roofing inspector

▪   Different monitoring line for pumps, switch to cellular

o   Haley: website add contact to pay

▪   New website camera to be installed at carriage house

▪   Security codes reminder

▪   Are we tracking codes, yes it can be pulled


o   Adjourned 10:45am


VIII.    Executive Session (if necessary)


Architectural Review Committee Meeting Dates

Members may submit their improvement projects for the meetings listed below. Please see the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Chinquapin Homeowners Checklist for Approval for pertinent information about ARC submittals.

All meetings are held at the Chinquapin Carriage House unless otherwise specified. Members will be able to call in to attend.

ARC meeting schedule

Friday, November 10th 2023 | 9:30 am 

Friday, January 19th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, March 22nd, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, May 24th, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, July 12th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, August 30th, 2024 | 9:30 am