Board Meeting Minutes
Chinquapin Homeowners Association
Saturday, August 31st 2024, 2024, 8:30 AM
Dollar House, Chinquapin
3600 North Lake Blvd - Tahoe City, CA 96145
Chinquapin Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes
Saturday, August 31st, 2024, 8:30AM
Dollar House, Chinquapin
3600 North Lake Blvd - Tahoe City, CA 96145
Homeowners: may attend the meeting in person or use the below Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 2461 4303
Passcode: 015174
I. 8:30 - Call to Order and Welcoming Remarks-Carl Bertelsen
Meeting called to order @08:30am. Carl
-Attendees: BOD, Carl Bertelsen, Terry Sarvas, Steve Giacomi,
-Absent:BOD, Anne Mitchell, Bruce Bayne, Dana Stalder
-present HO’s: Heneghan #7, Tom Popek #123, Mathew General #1, Jeff
Giacomi #12 ,
-HO’s on Zoom: Coleen Crowley, Kate Kaneko, Bridgette Crowley, Sandra
Carter, Susan Sinquest #73, Ed Taylor #184
-Mitch Packard, Jimmy and Amy Jack
II. Approval of the minutes of the July 13th, 2024 CHOA meeting
Motion: Approved
III. President’s Report -Carl
No legal issues
Election: Bruce, Carl Cris re-elected
IV. Open Session – Homeowners
Tom Popek: 2 big holes on beach path needs to be filled in next week pave
wooded section and rail on steep area
Insurance detail
Proactive issue in parking lot unit 118 utilizing 3 spots, is there a rule?
Robin: also parking issue
V. Committee and Staff Reports
o Treasurer’s Report-Steve Giacomi
As of 08.31.24:
-we have $248,421 in operating account
-$610,700 in replacement account (operating owes replacement $299,100
for insurance down payment) (Majority of replacement account monies in
-we are within budget overall in both operating and replacement account
except roof, snow removal, sewer pumps, and buoys repairs.
- current Dues receivables = $9,800
Motion: Approved July 31, 2024 financial reports
Potential to see e bill pay, ACH on website
o Insurance Report- Cris Wedekind
-Continued marketing plan to optimize Chinquapin derisking
-Mitch filled out extensive spreadsheets
-Jimmy sent in bio
-need a plan to replace Senco subpanels (HO’s to be sent
letter) exterior panels with meter to be done by CHOA,
temp. fix additional subpanel in between the two until new
replacements available. Jimmy to submit est.
-invited 5 insurance entities, including 2 HO’s brokers
-anticipate 4 bids
-2 Tahoe HOA had new insurance coverage of $50M at a premium
of $625,000. Est. CHOA coverage of $75M in range of $1M-1.5M
o Architectural Review Committee
Review and approval of any ARC meeting items
-133 skylights contingent upon calc
-134 new sliding doors contingent on pictures to show aesthetically
-29 approved cover on EV charger
-122 request EV charger, postponed
-Will look into common EV chargers within CHOA
-Mitch to consult with attorney for possible common EV charger
Building Committee – Carl Bertelsen
Decks identify ageing infrastructure, Gary Fumamoto inspection~$20k New
law 1.2025 requiring deck inspections in California
-187 HO purchased front deck material, asked CHOA to pay for install only
(Jimmy to provide est.)
-Roofs: 74, 122, 144 (2 bids) Matt McClane band-aid approach, Jimmy
whole new roof, 98 has a significant leak
-New project fall-downstairs pool bath needs to be addressed, facelift with
new flooring with paint, PVC wainscot wood grain look, new door.
Est. 2,500-3,500 cost
Grounds Committee – Terry Sarvas
-Sewer issue one pump and monitoring circuit not working, pipe broken.
Behind 111 or 110, possible tree issue, can’t dig/pour concrete past
-need to walk these items;
- Upper creek area
-water depths?
-fall tree work, dead (85k in budget)
-thinning around buildings
-11, 12
-Tom Popek complemented tree and creek areas thinning
-Thank David and Susan with watering plants
o Pool and Tennis Committee – Bruce Bayne
-absent, pool resurface? pebble-tech or plaster?
-Possible cover pool with dome? For year-round use
-looking at pickle ball court in court #4, est.
VII. General Manager & Jack-of-all-Trades Reports – Mitch Packard
-waiting 33, 34 decks, needs approval
-wait until full inspection to prioritize 50?
-need est. on Gorman, #
-roof repairs
-122, 44, 98 bid $13.8K, approved, 40 leaks
-74 repairs done
-108 Ipe deck sanded and stained, leaks in roof
-170, 54 paver squirrel issues
-13 sinking step
-61 leaks
-Defensible space clearing continuing
-61 stump grinding
-Dollar House pier lights being installed.
-walkway lights to change from 220v to 110 volts and LED
-pool filter sand maintenance
- springs on pool door? Self-closing or coded locks like ice machine?
-pool bathroom, will install locks via WiFi and auto lock
-will add swim buoy in swim area
-move out 5mph buoys est. $5k
-Star link in pool area for Jack of all Trades/Packard
-114 donated a white rowboat, Many thanks!
-need to replace skimmer flaps
-Starlink in Dollar house
-need to repair old refrigerators in Dollar house est.~$8,500
General Update
-set interior inspection for roof/ leaks/temps for insurance and safety, Nov-
April. Will send out letter.
-Jack of all Trades to do all snow removal in house, new equipment bought
-heat tape inspections to be done
-61 parking issues, put in resourcing, issues receiving notices, EV charging
Liberty may have rebates
Adjourned @ 11:06
VIII. Executive Session (if necessary)
Architectural Review Committee Meeting Dates
Members may submit their improvement projects for the meetings listed below. Please see the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Chinquapin Homeowners Checklist for Approval for pertinent information about ARC submittals.
All meetings are held at the Chinquapin Carriage House unless otherwise specified. Members will be able to call in to attend.
ARC meeting schedule
Friday, November 10th 2023 | 9:30 am
Friday, January 19th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, March 22nd, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, May 24th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, July 12th, 2024 | 9:30 am
Friday, August 30th, 2024 | 9:30 am