Board Meeting Minutes

Chinquapin Homeowners Association

Saturday, August 31st 2024, 2024, 4:00 PM

Dollar House, Chinquapin

3600 North Lake Blvd - Tahoe City, CA 96145

Chinquapin Annual Homeowners Meeting Minutes 8.31.24

Dollar House patio


Meeting called to order at 4:10pm- Carl Bertelsen

-BOD attendees; Carl Bertelsen, Steve Giacomi, Terry Sarvas, Cris Wedekind

-Mitch Packard, Amy and Jimmy Jack

CHOA Accomplishments and Maintenance Updates 2024: Carl Bertelsen

 Hired new maintenance company Jack of all Trades, Jimmy and Amy Jack. They are

doing a great job!

o Freshened up the tennis court and swim facilities

o Freshened up the pier area

o Inspected many aspects of the property to repair many deferred maintenance


o Overall. Property is much cleaner and looks better than ever

 Sewer pump station “refurbished” between Units #127-128

 Much time and effort spent on exploring insurance coverage options. (Thanks to

insurance committee)

 Currently inspecting all roofs

 All decks will be inspected this Fall

 Continued tree and brush removal for fire safety

 New HOA website

 New roofs Units #124-127

 Roof repairs to Units #130, 147, 74, 98

 Repairs to the beach path in progress

 New patios in Units #11 and 12

 There will be a few deck replacements scheduled for this Fall

-2025 Budget meeting to be scheduled first or second week of November, TBD

-HO open session:

 We should increase buoy rates for renters. Very cheap compared to rest of Tahoe area.

 Issue raised regarding increasing turning radius by Dollar House. Fire safety issue.

 Dollar House rental issue, destroyed bathroom, failure to clean up. HO will be sent

letter to cover damages. Need to limit rental of dollar house to actual HO and just

immediate family members.

 Change gate codes more often

 There is a throwable floatation device in pier box

-New CHOA Board structure:

President: Carl Bertelsen

Vice President: Cris Wedekind

Treasure: Steve Giacomi

Secretary: Dana Stalder

Committee Chairs:

Insurance: Cris Wedekind (until renewal), then TBD

ARC: Cris Wedekind

Building: Carl Bertelsen

Grounds: Terry Sarvas

Pool and Tennis: Bruce Bayne or Annie Mitchell?

Meeting adjourned 4:54pm

Architectural Review Committee Meeting Dates

Members may submit their improvement projects for the meetings listed below. Please see the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Chinquapin Homeowners Checklist for Approval for pertinent information about ARC submittals.

All meetings are held at the Chinquapin Carriage House unless otherwise specified. Members will be able to call in to attend.

ARC meeting schedule

Friday, November 10th 2023 | 9:30 am 

Friday, January 19th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, March 22nd, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, May 24th, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, July 12th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, August 30th, 2024 | 9:30 am