Board Meeting Minutes

Chinquapin Homeowners Association

Saturday, March 23rd 2024, 2024, 8:30 AM

Chinquapin Rental Office, Chinquapin

3600 North Lake Blvd - Tahoe City, CA 96145

Annie Mitchell called the meeting to order at 9:33AM

Board Members Present:

·  Bruce Bayne (Zoom)

·  Annie Mitchell (Zoom)

·  Steve Giacomi

·  Terry Sarvas

·  Carl Bertelsen

·  Haley Packard

Staff Present:

·  Mitch Packard

·  Jimmy Jack

·  Amy Jack

Homeowner’s present:

·  On the phone:

o   Dave Nemeth

·  Via Zoom:

o   Lisa Kelly

o   Charlynn Harless

o   Chuck Daggs

o   Susan Hubbard

·  Present in person:

o   Clint Harless

o   Robin Kelly

o   Bob Nielson

President’s Report:

Annie Mitchell thanked everyone for joining the meeting and welcomed A Jack of All Trades, Jimmy and Amy Jack.

She addressed appointing a new board member to replace Haley Packard.

Annie said roof leaks and insurance will be addressed during the board meeting.

She opened up the meeting for any homeowner comments or questions.

Homeowner Open Session:

Alf Merriweather:

Insurance – brought up concerns around having an analysis for insurance. He said he has been asking for 28 months for an analysis, but applauded the board for the $75m coverage amount.

Spa – critical of the spa. Thinks the membership is not overall in favor of having a spa, and thinks the board should have a more formal survey regarding what owners really want.

Reserve Study – thinks the note about upping our reserves to $1.1 million in the reserve study means special assessments for all owners – is that true? Steve Giacomi said the HOA has taken a lot of steps towards what is need in deferred maintenance that was noted in the reserve study. He also mentioned that the $1.1 amount was just a recommendation, and we should not assume that a special assessment is on the way.

Mitch Packard responded saying the major part of the dues increase was solely for insurance, agreed that a good amount of the dues should be going towards reserves.

Annie Mitchell said the reserve study is necessary, but she has never seen an HOA that fulfilled the recommended reserves amount from a reserve study. The reserve study is not a set-in stone, it is a guideline. She said it is the HOA’s job to maintain the property above all else.

Alf Merriweather:

Noted that maintenance and HOA is doing a phenomenal job maintaining the property. He has concerns around how much the HOA is putting in to the reserves amounts.

Dave Nemeth:

Wants to know what the ETA is for the buoy forms and when they will go out. Mitch let him know that they will go out in the next week and they will be discussed at today’s meeting.

Robin Kelly:

Commended A Jack of All Trades for their professionalism and commitment to the property and snow removal. Noted how great it is that the fire extinguishers are being dug out and A Jack of All Trades is working late hours when needed to take care of snow removal and maintenance. Thinks having them here is a wonderful addition to the property.

Treasurer’s Report:

Reserve account is owed $500,000 to the operating account. We will in effect have an additional $500,000 available in reserves by the end of the year.

We are within budget with the exception of the sewer pump amounts.

Motion to approve the financial statements for January 31, 2024 and February 29, 2024.

Clint Harless asked Steve to clarify which dues and what amounts are delinquent


Cris Wedekind: We’ve had two insurance meetings and have been looking at all alternative insurance options. It’s a work in progress and the insurance committee will be giving information to the board and the HOA as it becomes available.

Bob Nielson: Owner of 173, has been doing insurance for 38 years. Mainly in condominiums. He does not think the $75 million amount is nearly enough. Bob gave a recap of the current insurance market in California. Noted that California and other states are in a bad position. State Farm is pulling out of California. Bob is having his team starting to review Chinquapin’s insurance policies starting now, but noted any changes wouldn’t take place until 2025.

Alf Merriweather raised concerns about what is disclosed in our current $75 million policy and what our exposure is.

Bob Nielson said he will have an analysis of what our exposure is. 

Cris asked how do we evaluate what our current cost of replacement is. Bob says his team is looking into that.

Carl Bertelson asked is the California Fair Plan is an option.

Bob Nielson noted that the Fair Plan covers up to $20 million, but said it is a “broken” system. He said the CA Fair Plan is overwhelmed with applications and warned the HOA to not go in that direction.

Mitch Packard asked if a personal policy is raised, would that policy help cover what the HOA does not cover for the exterior in the event of a disaster.

Alf Merriweather asked if neighboring units don’t have a policy, how would that be handled? Bob said it admittedly gets “messy”, but it’s important for all owners to make sure that all owners are individually insured.

Bob Nielson emphasized again how insurance is a broken system across the board, and especially in California.

Dave Nemeth: Asked how much the property would cost to completely rebuild. Bob reiterated that his team is going to be looking into it.


Unit 17’s skylights have been approved, but the approval is specific to the owner’s floorplan and location of the unit.

Homeowner Relations:

The new HOA website is going to be up soon and we will send info to owners on how to make a log in.

The Tahoe City Yacht Club asked to have an event at the Dollar House in 2025. The also asked if the board would considering waiving the Dollar House rental fee. The HOA will not waive the fee, but instead give the Yacht Club 2024’s pricing for their 2025 event.


Carl Bertelsen:

·  #114 had three trees fall and take out a corner of the roof during the March snow storm. A Jack of All Trades has been on the rebuilding process and taking out the trees around the unit.

·  #153 had a leak in the shared wall which caused mold and water damage.


Jimmy Jack said he has been heading the mitigation, demo, etc. and is waiting on a final number for how much the total repairs and will be.

Bob Nieson: Strongly recommended the board not submit any water claims to their insurance carrier. It heavily effects your chances of getting an insurance possible.

Mitch: Noted that 148, 130, 91, 6, and 126 all had minor roof leaks so far this winter.

Steve Giacomi asked if these leaks are random or are we behind in replacing roofs.

Mitch said that it’s a combination, but mainly previous patches that are just temporary and need to be permanently fixed.

Carl Bertelsen brought up a potential proposal; thinks that the HOA should be going into unoccupied units to check for water damage.

Jimmy Jack suggested water leak detection shut off valves would have prevented the major leak in 153. Suggested owner’s put those in all units.

Bob Nielson highly recommends that owner’s put water leak detection systems in their units as it can help with insurance and noted that insurance carriers may start requiring some kind of water leak detection shut off valve.

The board discussed how the logistics of going into each unit periodically would work. Mitch Packard and Jimmy Jack are going to put together a plan and pricing for unit inspections.

Carl Bertelsen:

Painting: The one bedrooms (units 147 – 162), three bedroom lakefronts (units 163 – 174), three bedroom lakeviews (units 175 – 182), and two bedroom carport units (units 183 – 190) are all scheduled to be painted this spring.

Carl discussed the ipe decks and potentially using a different stain. Jimmy Jack talked about the specifics of testing a new stain and seeing how it looks. The goal is to have the stain last longer and age better than what is used currently on decks.

Over the course of this spring, Jimmy Jack will be working on various building repairs and deferred maintenance.

Terry Sarvas raised concern about the age of old circuit breaker panels in majority of units here.

The board and Packard Management are going to consider unit inspections for circuit breaker panels and make recommendations to owners who need to replace and/or upgrade their panel.

Charlynn Harless brought up concerns about what is allowed and not allowed in our CC&R’s regarding interior safety. Including smoke detectors, circuit breaker panels, etc.


Terry Sarvas: We have $160,000 budgeted for tree and brush removal. We plan to continue brush and tree work this year, and are hopeful to get a ~$200,000 grant to help with tree and brush removal on the Chinquapin hillside.

We’ve budgeted $75,000 for roads and walkways, and will be doing that work throughout this year. We also have $48,000 for cut and replace of pavement.  

Terry Sarvas has been discussing spring to-do’s and grounds work for this spring with A Jack of All Trades and is confident that the maintenance crew is queued up for success.

Several owners have come forward to help with flowers around the property this spring.

Pier lighting is underway.

Spring clean-up and clearing around buildings is going to take place this spring once the snow melts.

Terry and Carl talked about the upcoming pier and boat maintenance, and have talked to Jimmy and Amy about necessary pier attendant training going into this summer.

Pool and Tennis:

Bruce Bayne thinks that we need to prioritize the tree removal at the pool, hopefully before the pool opens.

Terry Sarvas agrees that the tree needs to be taken out before the pool opens.

Bruce Bayne noted that the pool decking will need to be taken out/replaced.

Jimmy Jack will get a quote on the tree removal and replacing pavers.

Bruce Bayne said we are planning on painting/lining court 4 for both tennis and pickle ball, and we are going to buy rollaway pickle ball nets.

General Manager’s Report:

Mitch Packard did a report on the amount of tree’s that fell during the last storm – eleven tree’s total around the Chinquapin grounds.

Buoy applications will be out in the next week. We are going to make a cover letter that asks owner’s where they would like their buoy this year.

A Jack of All Trades Report:

The lift station for the sewer needs to be replaced. Jimmy is working on getting that replaced and up to speed.

The quote to get a new and/or repaired roof on the units that have leaked so far totals around $105,000.

Pier Lighting should fall within the budget and should be completed this year.

#114 should be finished in the next couple weeks.

The new Dollar House Furnace quote is about $8300 to replace.

Jimmy and Amy are looking into wifi options at the pool and at the Dollar House.

Jimmy announced that Alex Servin will be leaving to take a position elsewhere.

Mitch Packard commended Jimmy for taking such quick action on emergencies.

Chuck Daggs:

Owner of #114 - had three trees fall on his unit and said that Mitch and Jimmy are the “A team”. Both Mitch and Jimmy were extremely proactive, professional, and exceeded expectations. He feels grateful for our crew and hopes the owners and board members know how helpful Jimmy and Mitch have been. Suggested the president’s letter touch on this instance.

Robin Kelly: Think it’s important that the HOA communicate with members about how well the maintenance is doing in their new role.

Meeting adjourned at 10:52 am

Architectural Review Committee Meeting Dates

Members may submit their improvement projects for the meetings listed below. Please see the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Chinquapin Homeowners Checklist for Approval for pertinent information about ARC submittals.

All meetings are held at the Chinquapin Carriage House unless otherwise specified. Members will be able to call in to attend.

ARC meeting schedule

Friday, November 10th 2023 | 9:30 am 

Friday, January 19th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, March 22nd, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, May 24th, 2024 | 9:30 am

Friday, July 12th, 2024 | 9:30 am 

Friday, August 30th, 2024 | 9:30 am